Ranking of Kentucky Monthly Temperatures and Rainfall (1895-Present)
Month Temperature Rainfall
January Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
February Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
March Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
April Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
May Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
June Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
July Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
August Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
September Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
October Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
November Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
December Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
Annual Temperature Precip (liq. equ.)
(Source: NCDC Midwest Climate Center)

Note: The current month's ranking will be updated by the 7th of the month. Current year will be added to the table. Data for current year is preliminary and subject to change due to quality control and receipt of missing data.