Kentucky Weather Summary -- 2019:
By:  Tom Priddy and Matt Dixon
     UK Ag. Weather Center

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period December 30, 2019 to January 5, 2020

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Precipitation:

The calendar turned the page to 2020 with warm and wet conditions continuing from the 
end of 2019. Highs on New Year�s Day rose into the middle 40s to around 50 and then 
remained in the 50s through Friday. While it was warm, the Bluegrass State saw 
another round of exceptional rainfall between Thursday and Saturday. Periods of light 
to moderate rain led to total accumulations of 1 to 2+ inches. Dating back into late 
December, average rainfall across the state has been above normal for three straight 
weeks. Over that time span, Kentucky has averaged nearly 5 inches of rainfall, which 
is over 2 inches above normal.

Temperatures for the period averaged 44 degrees across the state which was 10 degrees 
warmer than normal and 8 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 50 in the West to 51 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 7 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 37 degrees in the 
West to 39 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 11 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 15 degrees warmer than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 70 degrees at WHITESBURG 2NW 
and the extreme low was 23 degrees at BRANDENBURG 4SW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.83 inches statewide which was 0.94 
inches above normal and 204% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.27 inches, Central 2.03 inches, Bluegrass 1.63 inches and East 2.39 inches, 
which was 0.34, 1.06, 0.85 and 1.49 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.28 inches at CARBONDALE ASOS to a high of 3.64 inches 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191230 to 20200105(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             50    7   37   11   44    9   1.27   0.34  137   57   25
CENTRAL(CD2)          51    8   38   13   44   10   2.03   1.06  209   60   23
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        49    8   37   13   43   10   1.63   0.85  209   59   27
EAST(CD4)             51    7   39   15   45   11   2.39   1.49  266   70   23
STATE                 50    7   38   13   44   10   1.83   0.94  204   70   23

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period December 23, 2019 to December 29, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Precipitation:

Unseasonably mild temperatures was the highlight of the week. Daytime highs 
hit the 60s on Christmas Eve/Day and stayed that way into the weekend. Even 
hit 70 degrees for some locations across Western Kentucky. Putting this into 
perspective, the state normally sees highs in the low to middle 40s for this time of 
year. Widespread moderate to heavy rain then returned to the area on Saturday night 
and into Sunday as an area of low pressure approached the Bluegrass State. The state 
averaged 1.22 inches with some minor flooding in low spots and poor drainage areas.  

Temperatures for the period averaged 54 degrees across the state which was 18 degrees 
warmer than normal and 20 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 65 in the West to 64 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 20 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 18 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 45 degrees in the 
West to 42 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 18 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 16 degrees warmer than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 72 degrees at CADIZ 4SW and the 
extreme low was 21 degrees at VANCEBURG 6W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.22 inches statewide which was 0.28 
inches above normal and 130% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.48 inches, Central 1.54 inches, Bluegrass 1.11 inches and East 0.75 inches, 
which was 0.49, 0.52, 0.28 and -0.16 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at WHITESBURG 2NW to a high of 
2.49 inches at BOWLING GREEN 4E. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191223 to 20191229(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             65   20   45   18   55   19   1.48   0.49  149   72   25
CENTRAL(CD2)          63   19   44   17   54   18   1.54   0.52  151   71   24
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        62   19   41   15   52   18   1.11   0.28  134   69   22
EAST(CD4)             64   18   42   16   53   17   0.75  -0.16   82   71   21
STATE                 64   20   43   16   54   18   1.22   0.28  130   72   21

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period December 16, 2019 to December 22, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Precipitation:

An exceptional amount of rain fell across the area to start the period. Rainfall 
intensity was moderate to heavy at times and led to an average of nearly two inches 
falling across the Commonwealth. The excessive rainfall led to areal flood warnings 
issued across the area. Behind the rain, much cooler air filtered into Kentucky. 
Lingering cloud cover kept highs in the 30s on Tuesday and Wednesday. Skies then 
cleared Wednesday night with lows dipping into the upper teens to low 20s. This was 
followed by an abrupt warming trend the rest of the week, along with continued dry 
conditions. By Sunday, high temperatures were several degrees above normal in the 50s.

Temperatures for the period averaged 36 degrees across the state which was 1 degree 
cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 44 in the West to 47 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 28 degrees in the 
West to 29 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 
degree cooler than normal in the West to 2 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 65 degrees at BARBOURVILLE 3E and the 
extreme low was 12 degrees at ALEXANDRIA 5NW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.91 inches statewide which was 0.94 
inches above normal and 196% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.31 inches, Central 2.31 inches, Bluegrass 2.02 inches and East 2.00 inches, 
which was 0.24, 1.25, 1.18 and 1.08 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.49 inches at MORGANFIELD 4E to a high of 3.17 
inches at OWINGSVILLE 4S. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191216 to 20191222(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             44   -3   28   -1   36   -2   1.31   0.24  122   60   14
CENTRAL(CD2)          44   -2   28    0   36   -1   2.31   1.25  218   61   13
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        42   -3   26   -1   34   -2   2.02   1.18  240   55   12
EAST(CD4)             47   -1   29    2   38    1   2.00   1.08  217   65   13
STATE                 44   -2   28    0   36   -1   1.91   0.94  196   65   12

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period December 9, 2019 to December 15, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Precipitation:

The period started off very mild with highs jumping into the upper 50s to middle 60s 
on Monday. Saying that, the warm weather was accompanied by periods of light to 
moderate rain showers through the day and overnight with occasional gusty winds. A 
strong cold front then swept through the Ohio Valley on Tuesday. Temperatures went 
abruptly on the decrease and transitioned some rain to snow in southeastern counties, 
but accumulations were limited. Lows that night dipped into the middle teens to low 
20s across the state. Those temperatures went quickly on the rebound, back in the 
40s on Wednesday. Cloudy and wet weather then arrived for the weekend with daily 
rounds of light showers on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Even saw a wintry mix for 
portions of Northern Kentucky on Sunday evening. Overall, the state averaged 0.76 
inches, which is good for a second straight week of below normal precipitation.

Temperatures for the period averaged 40 degrees across the state which was 1 degree 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 48 in the West to 50 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 33 degrees in the 
West to 33 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 3 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 64 degrees at ALBANY 1N and the 
extreme low was 14 degrees at CARLISLE 5SW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.76 inches statewide which was 0.28 
inches below normal and 73% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.27 inches, Central 0.62 inches, Bluegrass 0.83 inches and East 1.32 inches, which 
was -0.85, -0.51, -0.08 and 0.34 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.04 inches at POPLAR BLUFF ASOS to a high 
of 1.95 inches at WHITESBURG 2NW. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191209 to 20191215(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             48   -1   33    3   40    0   0.27  -0.85   24   64   15
CENTRAL(CD2)          49    1   34    4   42    3   0.62  -0.51   55   64   14
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        47    0   32    3   39    1   0.83  -0.08   91   62   14
EAST(CD4)             50    1   33    5   41    2   1.32   0.34  135   64   15
STATE                 48   -0   33    4   40    1   0.76  -0.28   73   64   14

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period December 2, 2019 to December 8, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Precipitation:

After two straight weeks of above normal rainfall, Kentucky welcomed some drier 
conditions this past week. The state only averaged 0.11 inches, which is almost an 
inch below normal. The rainfall came in a couple different rounds, one on Monday and 
the other on Friday. While coverage turned widespread for both, intensity was 
lacking. A break was need as looking back over the past 30 days, data at the Ag Weather 
Center shows the state has averaged 5.15 inches of precipitation.

Temperatures for the period averaged 41 degrees across the state which was
near normal and 6 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 52 in the West to 47 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 33 degrees in the 
West to 32 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from
near normal in the West to 2 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme 
high temperature for the period was 63 degrees at FORT CAMPBELL and the extreme 
low was 19 degrees at CARLISLE 5SW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.11 inches statewide which was 0.97 
inches below normal and 10% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.05 inches, Central 0.06 inches, Bluegrass 0.15 inches and East 0.16 inches, which 
was 1.19, 1.1, 0.77 and 0.85 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at PADUCAH ASOS to a high of 0.51 inches at VANCEBURG 6W. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191202 to 20191208(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             52    1   33    0   43    1   0.05  -1.19    4   63   22
CENTRAL(CD2)          51    0   34    2   42    1   0.06  -1.10    5   62   23
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        47   -2   31    0   39   -1   0.15  -0.77   16   59   19
EAST(CD4)             47   -5   32    2   40   -1   0.16  -0.85   16   61   21
STATE                 49   -2   32    0   41    0   0.11  -0.97   10   63   19

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period November 25, 2019 to December 1, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Well Above Normal Precipitation:

Kentucky saw an exceptionally high amount of rainfall over the course of the week as 
the state averaged 3.43 inches. Based on data at the UK Ag Weather Center, this would 
be good for the third wettest week of the year. The rainfall was split between two 
rounds, one coming Tuesday/Wednesday and the other on Friday/Saturday. Widespread 
light to moderate rainfall accompanied each round, but the early weekend system was 
much more prolonged and accounted for the brunt of the weekly accumulations. The 
longevity of the event led to saturated soils and some minor flooding issues with 
multiple area flood warnings put into effect. In addition to the rainfall, Kentucky 
experienced very breezy conditions following the first round on Wednesday. Maximum 
wind gusts of 40 to 50+ mph were common across Kentucky.

Temperatures for the period averaged 46 degrees across the state which was 3 degrees 
warmer than normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged 
from 56 in the West to 54 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged 
from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to near normal in the East. Low 
temperatures averaged from 40 degrees in the West to 38 degrees in the East. 
Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 5 degrees warmer than normal in the 
West to 7 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for 
the period was 69 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the extreme low was 26 degrees at BOONEVILLE 2S.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 3.43 inches statewide which was 2.36 
inches above normal and 321% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 2.94 inches, Central 4.31 inches, Bluegrass 3.19 inches and East 3.28 inches, 
which was 1.69, 3.18, 2.29 and 2.28 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 1.22 inches at HICKMAN 2E to a high of 5.55 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191125 to 20191201(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             56    2   40    5   48    4   2.94   1.69  235   66   27
CENTRAL(CD2)          56    3   39    5   47    3   4.31   3.18  381   65   26
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        52    0   38    5   45    3   3.19   2.29  354   66   28
EAST(CD4)             54    0   38    7   46    3   3.28   2.28  328   69   26
STATE                 54    1   39    6   46    3   3.43   2.36  321   69   26

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period November 18, 2019 to November 24, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Precipitation:

Overall, the period was quite active with multiple rounds of rainfall passing through 
the region. The state averaged over an inch with the most significant activity having 
occurred Thursday through Saturday. Even saw some thunderstorms across Southeastern 
Kentucky on Saturday. While the state averaged an inch, accumulations were higher 
across South Central and Western Kentucky with many receiving 1.5 to 2+ inches. 
Those totals diminished to under an inch across the Northern Bluegrass. Looking at 
temperatures, after a cool start to the week, temperatures did rise into the 50s by 
Wednesday and Thursday, some hitting the 60s. The active pattern then brought temperatures 
back to below seasonable norms for the weekend.

Temperatures for the period averaged 44 degrees across the state which was 1 degree 
cooler than normal and 8 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 53 in the West to 53 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 38 degrees in the 
West to 38 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 
degree warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 68 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS and the 
extreme low was 24 degrees at HENDERSON 5E.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.37 inches statewide which was 0.37 
inches above normal and 137% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.69 inches, Central 1.51 inches, Bluegrass 0.91 inches and East 1.37 inches, 
which was 0.54, 0.45, 0.04 and 0.46 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.50 inches at ALEXANDRIA 5NW to a high of 2.41 
inches at HICKMAN 2E. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191118 to 20191124(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             53   -3   38    1   45   -1   1.69   0.54  147   66   24
CENTRAL(CD2)          52   -3   37    1   44   -2   1.51   0.45  142   66   28
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        50   -4   36    1   43   -1   0.91   0.04  105   63   27
EAST(CD4)             53   -3   38    5   45    1   1.37   0.46  151   68   26
STATE                 52   -3   37    2   44   -1   1.37   0.37  137   68   24

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period November 11, 2019 to November 17, 2019

Well Below Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Precipitation:

A slow moving cold front worked through the region on Monday. Precipitation started 
out as rain, but eventually transitioned to snow that evening and overnight as arctic 
air pushed into the area. One to two inches of snow was common across much of the 
state. Otherwise, the most notable highlight was the extreme drop in temperatures. 
Highs stayed in the 20s for much of Kentucky on Tuesday and then dropped into the 
teens and single digits that night. The Kentucky Mesonet station in Henderson 
recorded the lowest temperature of 2 degrees. Following Tuesday, temperatures went 
on the uphill climb, eventually ending up in the upper 40s to middle 50s on Sunday. 
Dry conditions prevailed with the rain/snow on Monday being the only precipitation 
event for the week.

Temperatures for the period averaged 35 degrees across the state which was 13 degrees 
cooler than normal and 8 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 44 in the West to 49 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 16 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 11 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 22 degrees in the 
West to 25 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 17 
degrees cooler than normal in the West to 10 degrees cooler than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 69 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the 
extreme low was 2 degrees at HENDERSON 5E.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.24 inches statewide which was 0.65 
inches below normal and 27% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.24 inches, Central 0.26 inches, Bluegrass 0.19 inches and East 0.27 inches, which 
was 0.82, 0.67, 0.58 and 0.54 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.01 inches at BOWLING GREEN 4E to a high of 0.43 inches at LEBANON 8NW. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191111 to 20191117(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             44  -16   22  -17   33  -16   0.24  -0.82   23   64    2
CENTRAL(CD2)          46  -13   24  -14   35  -13   0.26  -0.67   28   67    6
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        44  -13   23  -14   34  -13   0.19  -0.58   25   66    5
EAST(CD4)             49  -11   25  -10   37  -10   0.27  -0.54   33   69    9
STATE                 46  -13   24  -13   35  -13   0.24  -0.65   27   69    2

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period November 4, 2019 to November 10, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Rainfall:

Following a dry and fairly warm start to the period, a cold front moved through the 
area on Thursday. This boundary brought a round of widespread showers to the region 
with accumulations between 0.5 to 1.25 inches for much of the state, highest totals 
across Western Kentucky. Much cooler air of Canadian origin then filtered into 
Kentucky that night and into Friday. In fact, temperatures both Friday and Saturday 
mornings dropped into the low to middle 20s. A handful of locations even dropped 
into the upper teens. Conditions remained dry for the weekend with temperatures going 
on the increase, back to seasonable norms.

Temperatures for the period averaged 44 degrees across the state which was 7 degrees 
cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 55 in the West to 56 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 8 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 7 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 33 degrees in the 
West to 32 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 
degrees cooler than normal in the West to 5 degrees cooler than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 70 degrees at BURKESVILLE 3W and the 
extreme low was 17 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.73 inches statewide which was 0.05 
inches below normal and 94% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
1.20 inches, Central 0.65 inches, Bluegrass 0.63 inches and East 0.46 inches, which 
was 0.31, -0.16, -0.06 and -0.25 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.01 inches at MT STERLING AWOS to a high 
of 2.61 inches at POPLAR BLUFF ASOS. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191104 to 20191110(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             55   -8   33   -8   44   -8   1.20   0.31  135   69   18
CENTRAL(CD2)          56   -6   32   -8   44   -7   0.65  -0.16   80   70   19
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        53   -7   31   -8   42   -8   0.63  -0.06   91   65   18
EAST(CD4)             56   -7   32   -5   44   -6   0.46  -0.25   65   69   17
STATE                 55   -7   32   -7   44   -7   0.73  -0.05   94   70   17

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period October 28, 2019 to November 3, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall:

After a record breaking dry September, the Bluegrass State has seen exceptionally wet 
conditions throughout October. That was no different for end of the month as a 
frontal boundary interacted with multiple disturbances to spark a couple rounds of 
widespread showers this past Wednesday and Thursday. Overall, the state averaged 
1.73 inches, marking the third week out of the past four that the state has averaged 
over an inch. A large swath of area running from South Central Kentucky to the 
Northern Bluegrass received between 2 and 3 inches. Preliminary data suggests this 
month will place in the top 5 wettest October�s on record. Following the passage of 
the cold front on Thursday, an unseasonably cold air mass settled into the area. The 
growing season essentially ended this past weekend with three straight days of below 
freezing temperatures. Most saw lows drop into the middle 20s to around 30.  

Temperatures for the period averaged 48 degrees across the state which was 5 degrees 
cooler than normal and 8 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 55 in the West to 62 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 11 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 38 degrees in the 
West to 39 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 5 
degrees cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 78 degrees at PEABODY and the extreme 
low was 22 degrees at HARTFORD 3E.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.73 inches statewide which was 0.96 
inches above normal and 225% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.50 inches, Central 2.25 inches, Bluegrass 1.95 inches and East 1.20 inches, 
which was 0.64, 1.45, 1.24 and 0.49 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.61 inches at WHITESBURG 2NW to a high of 3.87 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191028 to 20191103(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             55  -11   38   -5   46   -8   1.50   0.64  174   70   22
CENTRAL(CD2)          58   -6   37   -5   48   -5   2.25   1.45  281   72   23
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        58   -5   37   -4   47   -5   1.95   1.24  275   73   24
EAST(CD4)             62   -3   39    1   50   -2   1.20   0.49  169   78   24
STATE                 58   -6   38   -3   48   -5   1.73   0.96  225   78   22

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period October 21, 2019 to October 27, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall:

Significant rainfall fell across the state for a third straight week. The highest 
accumulations were seen over the course of Friday night through Saturday night as the 
remnants of Tropical Storm Olga pushed northeast through the area. This system sent 
a high amount of moisture into the region, leading to moderate to heavy rainfall from 
time to time. High winds accompanied some of the showers across Western Kentucky and 
led to some severe warnings with gusts over 60 mph. Overall, in addition to rain 
from another frontal passage earlier in the week, the state averaged 1.89 inches. 
Saying that, totals were a bit higher across Western Kentucky, which came in at an 
average of 2.62 inches. Through the 27th, the state has now averaged 4.85 inches for 
the month, well above average for what is normally the driest month of the year. The 
US Drought Monitor continues to make improvements across the state with severe 
drought only covering 7% of Kentucky and moderate drought down to 26%. 

Temperatures for the period averaged 57 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 66 in the West to 68 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to near normal in 
the East. Low temperatures averaged from 48 degrees in the West to 47 degrees in the 
East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 3 degrees warmer than normal 
in the West to 7 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature 
for the period was 81 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the extreme low was 31 degrees at 

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.89 inches statewide which was 1.18 
inches above normal and 264% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 2.62 inches, Central 1.53 inches, Bluegrass 1.48 inches and East 1.94 inches, 
which was 1.82, 0.81, 0.82 and 1.26 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.36 inches at BOWLING GREEN 4E to a high of 5.25 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191021 to 20191027(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             66   -3   48    3   57    0   2.62   1.82  328   73   32
CENTRAL(CD2)          66   -1   47    3   57    1   1.53   0.81  212   78   32
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        66    0   47    4   57    2   1.48   0.82  224   80   32
EAST(CD4)             68    0   47    7   57    3   1.94   1.26  285   81   31
STATE                 66   -2   47    4   57    2   1.89   1.18  264   81   31

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period October 14, 2019 to October 20, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall:

The state averaged 0.81 inches for the period, marking a second straight week of 
above normal rainfall. The higher totals was a result of two events. The first 
event came Tuesday night as a cold front moved through the area. This boundary 
sparked a quick hitting round of widespread showers with embedded storms. 
Accumulations were generally between a half and one inch for most of the state. This 
was followed by the second event on Saturday as moisture streaming into the state 
around Tropical Storm Nestor sparked showers across primarily Southeastern Kentucky. 
For the week, this area saw 1 to 2 inches of rainfall, which was especially 
beneficial with recent dry conditions. While most of the state had seen major 
improvements in recent weeks, Southeastern Kentucky actually saw drought worsen with 
�Extreme� drought expanding across this area. Bottom line, after a record breaking
dry September, October is going in the opposite direction.

Temperatures for the period averaged 55 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees 
cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 70 in the West to 66 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 42 degrees in the 
West to 42 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 5 
degrees cooler than normal in the West to near normal in the East. The extreme high 
temperature for the period was 80 degrees at OWENSBORO AWSS and the extreme low was 
29 degrees at HENDERSON 5E.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.81 inches statewide which was 0.1 
inches above normal and 115% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 0.82 inches, Central 0.80 inches, Bluegrass 0.64 inches and East 0.97 inches, 
which was 0.07, 0.08, -0.03 and 0.29 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at CARBONDALE ASOS to a high of 
2.89 inches at BENTON 4N. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191014 to 20191020(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             70   -2   42   -5   56   -3   0.82   0.07  109   80   29
CENTRAL(CD2)          69   -1   42   -4   55   -3   0.80   0.08  111   78   31
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        68    0   42   -3   55   -2   0.64  -0.03   96   77   30
EAST(CD4)             66   -4   42    0   54   -2   0.97   0.29  143   79   30
STATE                 68   -2   42   -3   55   -2   0.81   0.10  115   80   29

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period October 7, 2019 to October 13, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall:

Carrying over from the previous period, a cold front continued to work through the 
area on Monday morning. This boundary sparked numerous to widespread light to 
moderate showers, leading to significant accumulations across the area. This was 
followed by secondary cold front progressing through the area on Friday. Overall, the 
state has averaged over two inches since the start of the month. This period broke a 
five week streak of below normal rainfall. The significant rainfall led the US 
Drought Monitor to make some improvements with roughly 17% of the state now under a 
�severe� drought, down from 58% last week. The bigger highlight with the frontal 
passage on Friday was the significant drop in temperatures, which led to frost 
advisories issued across the area and state�s first real taste of fall. Temperatures 
dropped well into the 30s over the weekend, Western Kentucky on Friday night and more 
statewide on Saturday night. Henderson and Mayfield were the coolest
spots, each dropping down to 29.

Temperatures for the period averaged 59 degrees across the state which was
near normal and 16 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 73 in the West to 71 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 45 degrees in the 
West to 50 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 4 
degrees cooler than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 87 degrees at HICKMAN 2E and the 
extreme low was 29 degrees at HENDERSON 5E.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.67 inches statewide which was 0.92 
inches above normal and 221% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.10 inches, Central 2.13 inches, Bluegrass 1.79 inches and East 1.64 inches, 
which was 0.34, 1.35, 1.07 and 0.88 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.05 inches at MIDDLESBORO AWOS to a high of 4.59 
inches at COLUMBIA 3N. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20191007 to 20191013(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             73   -1   45   -4   59   -2   1.10   0.34  145   87   29
CENTRAL(CD2)          71   -1   48    0   59   -1   2.13   1.35  273   84   31
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        69   -2   48    1   58   -1   1.79   1.07  249   84   31
EAST(CD4)             71   -1   50    5   61    3   1.64   0.88  216   83   30
STATE                 71   -1   48    1   59    0   1.67   0.92  221   87   29

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period September 30, 2019 to October 6, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

Kentucky finally saw some significant rainfall on Sunday as a cold front moved 
through the area. Scattered to numerous showers and some storms led to accumulations 
of well over an inch for portions of North Central Kentucky. Rainfall did turn more 
widespread that evening and carried over into the overnight. Much of these 
accumulations fell after the data cutoff for this period and will be seen in the crop 
report next week. This rainfall followed a very dry September. Data at the Ag Weather 
Center shows the state only averaged 0.28 inches for the month, which would likely be 
good for the driest September on record. For many, the rainfall on Sunday was the 
first significant activity since the last week of August. The latest update to the US 
Drought Monitor on Thursday upgraded a small portion of Southeastern Kentucky into an 
�Extreme� drought, while also expanding �Severe� drought to cover 58% of the state. 
Much of the focus this week was on rainfall, but Kentucky also saw record breaking 
warmth over the first half of the period with highs consistently jumping well into 
the 90s. While daily records were broken, all-time highs for October were also 

Temperatures for the period averaged 75 degrees across the state which was 13 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 88 in the West to 88 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 12 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 14 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 62 degrees in the 
West to 63 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 11 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 15 degrees warmer than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 98 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT 
and the extreme low was 42 degrees at RICHMOND 8E.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.49 inches statewide which was 0.31 
inches below normal and 61% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.42 inches, Central 0.71 inches, Bluegrass 0.34 inches and East 0.49 inches, which 
was 0.4, 0.13, 0.4 and 0.3 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BARBOURVILLE 3E to a high of 1.93 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190930 to 20191006(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             88   12   62   11   75   11   0.42  -0.40   51   98   47
CENTRAL(CD2)          88   14   62   11   75   13   0.71  -0.13   85   98   45
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        86   13   62   12   74   13   0.34  -0.40   46   98   42
EAST(CD4)             88   14   63   15   75   14   0.49  -0.30   62   97   43
STATE                 88   14   62   12   75   13   0.49  -0.31   61   98   42

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period September 23, 2019 to September 29, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Rainfall:

The state of Kentucky has now went four straight weeks with much below normal 
rainfall. Month-to-date rainfall through the 29th shows the Bluegrass State has only 
averaged 0.27 inches for the month, which is over three inches below normal. The 
state only averaged 0.16 inches for this period. Portions of Western Kentucky saw 
better coverage on Thursday and came in at 0.31. Still though, Kentucky did not see 
any drought busters. The US Drought Monitor upgraded portions of North Central and 
Southeastern Kentucky into a �Severe� drought, while also expanding �Moderate� 
drought to cover over half of the state. Looking at temperatures, even though the 
fall season arrived this past week, heat stuck around. Highs were back in the low to 
middle 90s over the weekend. A combination of dry conditions, low humidity, and 
breezy winds at times has led to an enhanced fire danger, prompting many counties to 
issue burn bans.

Temperatures for the period averaged 74 degrees across the state which was 9 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 86 in the West to 85 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 7 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 9 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 62 degrees in the 
West to 60 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 9 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 97 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and 
the extreme low was 43 degrees at PAINTSVILLE 4W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.16 inches statewide which was 0.69 
inches below normal and 19% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.31 inches, Central 0.13 inches, Bluegrass 0.07 inches and East 0.12 inches, which 
was 0.55, 0.8, 0.7 and 0.71 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at FORT KNOX to a high of 1.59 inches at CADIZ 4SW. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190923 to 20190929(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             86    7   62    8   74    8   0.31  -0.55   36   96   46
CENTRAL(CD2)          87   10   61    8   74    9   0.13  -0.80   14   97   45
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        87   11   60    7   73    9   0.07  -0.70    9   96   44
EAST(CD4)             85    9   60    9   73    9   0.12  -0.71   14   96   43
STATE                 86    9   61    8   74    9   0.16  -0.69   19   97   43

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period September 16, 2019 to September 22, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Rainfall:

Rainfall ran scarce for a third straight week with many once again not recording any 
accumulations. Looking at the table of weather data below, most stations have 
recorded between 1 to 2 inches over the past four weeks. Saying that, the brunt of 
these accumulations fell over the last week of August. Looking at some stations 
across the state; Louisville, Bowling Green, Paducah, Lexington, and Jackson have all 
not recorded any rainfall for at least 25 days. Some are at 27 days now. Going at 
least 25 days without rainfall simply does not happen very often. The most recent 
time this was matched of the five cities listed above was Paducah in 2010.  The US 
Drought Monitor expanded 'Moderate Drought' to include over a quarter of the state 
with the latest update this past Thursday. This is the largest percentage of the 
state in drought since December of 2016. Dry conditions have also helped push 
temperatures higher. Highs continued to rise around 90 on daily basis with many 
even jumping into the mid to upper 90s on Monday. Normal highs for this time of year 
are in the middle 70s to low 80s.

Temperatures for the period averaged 76 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 91 in the West to 88 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 10 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 9 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 65 degrees in the 
West to 62 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 99 degrees at CAPE GIRARDEAU ASOS and 
the extreme low was 51 degrees at BURKESVILLE 3W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.05 inches statewide which was 0.78 
inches below normal and 6% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.13 inches, Central 0.03 inches, Bluegrass 0.04 inches and East 0.00 inches, which 
was 0.72, 0.88, 0.71 and 0.82 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALBANY 1N to a high of 2.25 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190916 to 20190922(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             91   10   65    8   78    9   0.13  -0.72   15   99   56
CENTRAL(CD2)          89    9   63    6   76    8   0.03  -0.88    3   98   51
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        88    9   63    7   76    9   0.04  -0.71    5   97   55
EAST(CD4)             88    9   62    7   75    8   0.00  -0.82    0   96   54
STATE                 89    9   63    7   76    8   0.05  -0.78    6   99   51

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period September 9, 2019 to September 15, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Rainfall:

Dry weather and unrelenting heat has engulfed the Bluegrass State. According to data 
at the Ag Weather Center, through the first 15 days of the month, the state has only 
averaged 0.06 inches. The US Drought Monitor has reintroduced �Moderate Drought� to 
portions of North Central Kentucky and established a new area across Southeastern 
Kentucky. This period was no different with the trend of mostly dry conditions 
remaining in place. Other than some spotty showers and storms, this was a second 
straight week where many locations saw no rainfall. In addition to the dry weather, 
summer heat has remained entrenched across the area. Highs in the low to middle 90s 
were common this past week, including many jumping into the upper 90s on Tuesday. 
Lexington airport hit 100 degrees for the first time since 2012.

Temperatures for the period averaged 78 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees 
warmer than normal and 6 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 92 in the West to 92 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 8 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 10 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 65 degrees in the 
West to 64 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 5 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 100 degrees at LEXINGTON APT and the 
extreme low was 49 degrees at RICHMOND 8E.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.04 inches statewide which was 0.8 
inches below normal and 5% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.01 inches, Central 0.03 inches, Bluegrass 0.00 inches and East 0.11 inches, which 
was 0.84, 0.9, 0.76 and 0.7 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALBANY 1N to a high of 0.75 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190909 to 20190915(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             92    8   65    5   79    7   0.01  -0.84    1   97   55
CENTRAL(CD2)          92   10   64    5   78    7   0.03  -0.90    3   99   51
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        90    9   64    5   77    7   0.00  -0.76    0  100   49
EAST(CD4)             92   10   64    7   78    9   0.11  -0.70   14  100   50
STATE                 92   10   64    5   78    8   0.04  -0.80    5  100   49

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period September 2, 2019 to September 8, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Rainfall:

Looking at total accumulations, this is one of the driest weeks the state has seen in 
quite some time. The state only averaged one hundreth of an inch with most not seeing
anything for the week. The last time Kentucky averaged under a tenth of an inch was back in 
early February. The dry conditions broke a two week stretch of above normal rainfall. 
Saying all this, September and October are climatologically, our two driest months of the
year. Two cold fronts did move through the area on Wednesday and Friday but were starved of 
moisture. Noticeably cooler and less humid air moved into the area behind the 
departing boundaries, especially the latter. Highs over the weekend were below normal 
for this time of year with temperatures in the upper 70s to middle 80s and much more 
comfortable humidity.

Temperatures for the period averaged 73 degrees across the state which was
near normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 
86 in the West to 85 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged 
from near normal in the West to 1 degree warmer than normal in the East. 
Low temperatures averaged from 62 degrees in the West to 61 degrees in the East. 
Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the 
West to 1 degree warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for 
the period was 95 degrees at POPLAR BLUFF ASOS and the extreme low was 49 degrees at 

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.01 inches statewide which was 0.76 
inches below normal and 1% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.00 inches, Central 0.00 inches, Bluegrass 0.04 inches and East 0.01 inches, which 
was 0.72, 0.85, 0.69 and 0.78 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at ALBANY 1N to a high of 0.49 inches at CINCINNATI. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190902 to 20190908(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             86    0   62   -1   74    0   0.00  -0.72    0   95   54
CENTRAL(CD2)          85    1   61   -1   73    0   0.00  -0.85    0   94   52
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        83    0   60   -1   72    0   0.04  -0.69    5   92   49
EAST(CD4)             85    1   61    1   73    1   0.01  -0.78    1   92   50
STATE                 85    1   61   -0   73    0   0.01  -0.76    1   95   49

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period August 26, 2019 to September 1, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall:

August came to a close with a second straight week of above normal rainfall. Overall, 
the state averaged 1.26 inches behind multiple rounds of rainfall over the first half of the 
period. Later in the week, a front stalled over the area and coverage became isolated 
to widely scattered on a daily basis. Storms were slow movers and produced a 
tremendous amount of rainfall, leading to some bouts of flooding and even some large
hail. The rainfall has improved conditions across the state and led the US 
Drought Monitor to remove moderate drought from portions of North Central Kentucky.
Looking at temperatures, behind the passage of a cold front on Tuesday, Kentucky 
received a dose of fall weather for a couple days. Highs were only in the upper 70s 
to middles 80s both Wednesday and Thursday with low humidity. Those temperatures then 
went on the increase through the weekend, back to around 90.

Temperatures for the period averaged 73 degrees across the state which was 1 degree 
cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 85 in the West to 83 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 2 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 64 degrees in the 
West to 62 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 
near normal in the West to 1 degree warmer than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 92 degrees at LEXINGTON APT and the 
extreme low was 50 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.26 inches statewide which was 0.52 
inches above normal and 170% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 0.59 inches, Central 1.63 inches, Bluegrass 1.57 inches and East 1.27 inches, 
which was -0.08, 0.85, 0.84 and 0.49 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.02 inches at PADUCAH ASOS to a high of 
4.87 inches at OWINGSVILLE 4S.

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190826 to 20190901(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             85   -3   64    0   75   -1   0.59  -0.08   88   91   52
CENTRAL(CD2)          83   -3   63    0   73   -2   1.63   0.85  209   91   51
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        82   -3   64    2   73    0   1.57   0.84  215   92   52
EAST(CD4)             83   -2   62    1   72   -1   1.27   0.49  163   92   50
STATE                 83   -3   63    0   73   -1   1.26   0.52  170   92   50

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period August 19, 2019 to August 25, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall:

After three straight weeks of below normal precipitation, the US Drought Monitor 
introduced an area of �Moderate Drought� to portions of North Central Kentucky with 
the latest update. In addition, the area of �Abnormally Dry Conditions� also 
expanded to include nearly half of the state. Luckily, the state did finally see 
some beneficial rainfall this past week as multiple rounds pushed through the area. 
The unsettled pattern started on Tuesday evening as a line of storms pushed south 
into the Bluegrass State. This was followed by an active pattern over the next few 
days as a cold front was slow to pass through the region, each day featuring 
scattered coverage of showers and storms. Overall, the state averaged an inch for 
the week, but that number jumped to 1.66 for Western Kentucky. Some portions of this 
area, including Paducah, saw more than three inches.

Temperatures for the period averaged 76 degrees across the state which was 1 degree 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 86 in the West to 86 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to near
normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 68 degrees in the West to 66 
degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 3 degrees 
warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 99 degrees at LEXINGTON APT and the 
extreme low was 52 degrees at PAINTSVILLE 4W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.00 inches statewide which was 0.17 
inches above normal and 120% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.66 inches, Central 0.98 inches, Bluegrass 0.78 inches and East 0.57 inches, 
which was 0.91, 0.14, -0.06 and -0.32 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.08 inches at BIG SANDY to a high of 4.21 
inches at MAYFIELD 6SW. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190819 to 20190825(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             86   -2   68    3   77    0   1.66   0.91  221   98   59
CENTRAL(CD2)          87    1   67    3   77    2   0.98   0.14  117   98   55
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        85    0   65    2   75    1   0.78  -0.06   93   99   54
EAST(CD4)             86    0   66    4   76    2   0.57  -0.32   64   98   52
STATE                 86   -0   66    2   76    1   1.00   0.17  120   99   52

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period August 12, 2019 to August 18, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

Kentucky has experienced a dry August thus far with three straight weeks of below 
normal rainfall. Data at the UK Ag Weather Center shows the state has only averaged 
0.92 inches through August 18th, which is almost 1.5 inches below normal. The 
northern half of the state did see some widespread rainfall on Tuesday morning, but not 
nearly enough. The rest of the week featured spotty rainfall with little, if any 
falling across the southern half of the state. �Abnormally Dry Conditions� were 
expanded across North Central Kentucky with the Thursday update of the US Drought 
Monitor, in addition to a small area introduced across Southeastern Kentucky. Bottom 
line, it has been a dry August for the Bluegrass State. The heat has not helped matters 
with highs in the middle 80s to low 90s common over the period. A handful of stations 
even rose into the upper 90s on Sunday. 

Temperatures for the period averaged 78 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 89 in the West to 88 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree warmer than normal in the West to 2 degrees warmer 
than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 69 degrees in the West to 66 
degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 3 degrees 
warmer than normal in the West to 3 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 97 degrees at LEXINGTON APT and the extreme 
low was 39 degrees at ALEXANDRIA 5NW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.38 inches statewide which was 0.48 
inches below normal and 44% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.39 inches, Central 0.32 inches, Bluegrass 0.41 inches and East 0.38 inches, which 
was 0.4, 0.52, 0.46 and 0.55 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BURKESVILLE 3W to a high of 2.62 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190812 to 20190818(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             89    1   69    3   79    2   0.39  -0.40   49   96   59
CENTRAL(CD2)          88    1   66    1   77    1   0.32  -0.52   38   96   57
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        88    2   66    2   77    2   0.41  -0.46   47   97   39
EAST(CD4)             88    2   66    3   77    3   0.38  -0.55   41   96   57
STATE                 88    1   67    2   78    2   0.38  -0.48   44   97   39

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period August 5, 2019 to August 11, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

As summer heat continues, attention over recent weeks has turned toward increasingly 
dry conditions for some areas of the state. A couple frontal boundaries moved 
through the Lower Ohio Valley this past week, sparking isolated to scattered storms. 
Rainfall accumulations were limited to mainly two areas of the state: Western/West 
Central Kentucky and the Northern Bluegrass/Northeastern Kentucky. Between the two 
(North Central Kentucky extending into Southeastern Kentucky), very little, if any 
rainfall was seen. Overall, this pushed the state to a second straight week of below 
normal rainfall. In addition, the US Drought Monitor introduced a large area of 
�Abnormally Dry Conditions� for North Central Kentucky, which has missed most of the
rainfall over the past couple weeks.

Temperatures for the period averaged 76 degrees across the state which was near 
normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 87 in 
the West to 86 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 1 
degree cooler than normal in the West to near normal in the East. Low temperatures 
averaged from 67 degrees in the West to 64 degrees in the East. Departure from normal 
low temperature ranged from 1 degree warmer than normal in the West to 1 degree 
warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 95 
degrees at LOUISVILLE APT and the extreme low was 53 degrees at VANCEBURG 6W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.33 inches statewide which was 0.58 
inches below normal and 36% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.48 inches, Central 0.25 inches, Bluegrass 0.32 inches and East 0.25 inches, which 
was 0.4, 0.64, 0.57 and 0.75 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BARBOURVILLE 3E to a high of 1.60 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190805 to 20190811(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             87   -1   67    1   77    0   0.48  -0.40   55   95   60
CENTRAL(CD2)          87    0   65    0   76    0   0.25  -0.64   28   95   58
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        86    0   64    0   75    0   0.32  -0.57   36   92   55
EAST(CD4)             86    0   64    1   75    0   0.25  -0.75   25   91   53
STATE                 86   -1   65    0   76    0   0.33  -0.58   36   95   53

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period July 29, 2019 to August 4, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

Overall, the state averaged 0.67 inches for the week, which is about a third of an 
inch below normal. Coverage was more of the hit or miss variety, with isolated to 
scattered showers and storms in place most of the week. While some areas saw very 
little, others that got caught underneath slow-moving cells saw more than 1.5 inches. 
Portions of North-Central Kentucky have trended to the drier side over the past two
weeks with rainfall departure of 1 to 2 inches below normal. Temperatures ran 
around normal for the period with highs consistently getting into the middle 80s to 
low 90s. 

Temperatures for the period averaged 76 degrees across the state which was near 
normal and 4 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 
87 in the West to 86 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 
2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree cooler than normal in the East. 
Low temperatures averaged from 66 degrees in the West to 65 degrees in the East. 
Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the 
West to 1 degree warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the 
period was 92 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was 58 degrees at 

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.67 inches statewide which was 0.3 
inches below normal and 69% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.71 inches, Central 0.54 inches, Bluegrass 0.91 inches and East 0.53 inches, which 
was 0.22, 0.41, 0.05 and 0.51 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at EDMONTON 5W to a high of 2.89 inches at COLUMBIA 3N. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190729 to 20190804(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             87   -2   66   -1   77   -1   0.71  -0.22   76   92   60
CENTRAL(CD2)          87    0   66    0   77    0   0.54  -0.41   57   89   60
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        86    0   65    0   76    0   0.91  -0.05   95   91   58
EAST(CD4)             86   -1   65    1   76    1   0.53  -0.51   51   91   58
STATE                 86   -1   66    0   76    0   0.67  -0.30   69   92   45

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period July 22, 2019 to July 28, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall:

A cold front early in the week sparked multiple rounds of showers and storms across 
the area.  Once again, storms were capable of producing very heavy rainfall and led 
to some flash flooding across the region.  For most, this was the only rainfall for 
the week as high pressure kept the area dry for the rest of the period. Saying that, 
the state still averaged 1.07 inches, but accumulations varied greatly with the 
scattered nature of the storms. Following the passage of the front, much cooler and 
noticeably less humid air filtered into the Bluegrass State as winds transitioned to 
the north.  Dewpoints dropped into the 50s after being in the 70s most of last week. 
Afternoon highs ranged in the upper 70s to middle 80s through Thursday, before going 
back on the increase for the weekend. Still though, the cooler temperatures broke a 
four week stretch of above normal temperatures.

Temperatures for the period averaged 72 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees 
cooler than normal and 8 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 83 in the West to 82 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 6 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 5 degrees cooler 
than normal  in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 63 degrees in the West to 61 
degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 4 degrees 
cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees cooler than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 93 degrees at LOUISVILLE APT and the 
extreme low was 53 degrees at WHITLEY CITY 3N.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.07 inches statewide which was 0.1 
inches above normal and 111% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.25 inches, Central 1.02 inches, Bluegrass 0.68 inches and East 1.32 inches, 
which was 0.33, 0.04, -0.28 and 0.31 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.01 inches at PEABODY to a high of 3.99 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190722 to 20190728(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             83   -6   63   -4   73   -5   1.25   0.33  136   91   54
CENTRAL(CD2)          83   -5   62   -4   72   -5   1.02   0.04  104   93   54
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        82   -5   62   -3   72   -4   0.68  -0.28   71   90   54
EAST(CD4)             82   -5   61   -3   72   -3   1.32   0.31  131   90   53
STATE                 82   -6   62   -4   72   -4   1.07   0.10  111   93   53

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period July 15, 2019 to July 21, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall:

The remnants of Tropical Storm Barry worked through the region over the first half of 
the work week, resulting in multiple rounds of storms. Once again, a very moist air 
mass led to torrential rainfall from time to time. The state averaged 1.40 inches for 
the week, but several locations recorded 2 to 3+ inches. As the remnants of Barry 
moved away from the region midweek, focus then turned to oppressive heat moving into 
the area through the weekend. An �Excessive Heat Warning� was issued for much of the 
state as temperatures rose into the upper 80s to middle 90s for highs. A very sticky 
air mass with dewpoints in the middle to upper 70s led to heat indices between 
100 and 110 degrees during the day. This was ultimately the warmest period of the 
year thus far and pushed livestock heat stress into the danger to emergency category 
each day. Looking back, the state has now gone four straight weeks of above normal 

Temperatures for the period averaged 80 degrees across the state which was 3 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 87 in the West to 88 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 73 degrees in the 
West to 71 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 5 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 96 degrees at LOUISVILLE APT and the 
extreme low was 66 degrees at OWINGSVILLE 4S.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.40 inches statewide which was 0.42 
inches above normal and 143% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.50 inches, Central 0.91 inches, Bluegrass 1.99 inches and East 1.20 inches, 
which was 0.56, -0.09, 1.04 and 0.18 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.05 inches at PEABODY to a high of 4.90 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190715 to 20190721(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             87   -3   73    5   80    1   1.50   0.56  160   94   69
CENTRAL(CD2)          88    0   72    6   80    3   0.91  -0.09   91   96   68
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        89    2   72    7   80    4   1.99   1.04  209   95   66
EAST(CD4)             88    1   71    7   79    4   1.20   0.18  118   95   66
STATE                 88    0   72    6   80    3   1.40   0.42  143   96   66

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period July 8, 2019 to July 14, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

Conditions were drier across the area this period, while summer heat remained 
entrenched across the area. High temperatures consistently reached into the upper 
80s to lower 90s. Some even reaching the middle 90s across Western Kentucky. 
Combined with dewpoints in the 70s, the livestock heat stress index remained elevated 
in the danger to emergency categories. Most of the rainfall for the period fell 
midweek with summer-time afternoon thunderstorms on Wednesday and followed by a cold 
front pushing through the area on Thursday. Coverage remained isolated to scattered 
with the state average for the week only coming in at 0.59 inches. Most of the 
activity fell across Southwestern, South-Central, and Eastern Kentucky. North-
Central Kentucky and the Northern Bluegrass missed on most of the rain.

Temperatures for the period averaged 79 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 89 in the West to 87 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from near normal in the West to near normal in the East. Low 
temperatures averaged from 70 degrees in the West to 68 degrees in the East. 
Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the 
West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for 
the period was 96 degrees at CAPE GIRARDEAU ASOS and the extreme low was 58 degrees 

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.59 inches statewide which was 0.4 
inches below normal and 59% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.62 inches, Central 0.42 inches, Bluegrass 0.34 inches and East 1.00 inches, which 
was 0.36, 0.58, 0.64 and 0.01 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BRANDENBURG 4SW to a high of 2.92 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190708 to 20190714(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             89    0   70    2   80    2   0.62  -0.36   63   96   60
CENTRAL(CD2)          88    0   69    3   79    2   0.42  -0.58   42   93   59
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        88    1   68    3   78    2   0.34  -0.64   35   93   58
EAST(CD4)             87    0   68    5   78    3   1.00  -0.01   99   93   60
STATE                 88    0   69    4   79    2   0.59  -0.40   59   96   58

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period July 1, 2019 to July 7, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall:

The weather this past week followed a repetitive pattern. Each day started with 
mostly to partly sunny skies, but by late morning to early afternoon, clouds were on 
the increase. Peak heating brought diurnal rounds of scattered to numerous showers 
and storms, mainly of the pulse variety and dissipating shortly after sunset. While 
severe weather was minimal, a moist and very unstable air mass led to torrential 
downpours, frequent lightning, and occasional gusty winds. Overall, the repetitive 
pattern led to a state rainfall average of 1.35 inches for the week, over a third of 
an inch above normal. As an extension to the last week of June, highs remained in 
the middle 80s to low 90s throughout the week. High dew points pushed peak heat 
indices into the middle 90s to around 100 at times and kept the livestock heat stress 
index elevated in the danger category.

Temperatures for the period averaged 79 degrees across the state which was 3 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 88 in the West to 86 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to near 
normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 71 degrees in the West to 67 
degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 4 degrees 
warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 96 degrees at PADUCAH ASOS and the 
extreme low was 64 degrees at MT STERLING AWOS.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.35 inches statewide which was 0.36 
inches above normal and 136% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.41 inches, Central 1.48 inches, Bluegrass 0.67 inches and East 1.83 inches, 
which was 0.41, 0.49, -0.29 and 0.81 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BURLINGTON 4S to a high of 
5.00 inches at SOMERSET. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190701 to 20190707(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             88   -1   71    4   80    2   1.41   0.41  141   96   65
CENTRAL(CD2)          88    1   69    4   79    3   1.48   0.49  149   93   65
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        88    2   69    5   79    4   0.67  -0.29   70   93   64
EAST(CD4)             86    0   67    5   77    3   1.83   0.81  179   92   64
STATE                 88    1   69    4   79    3   1.35   0.36  136   96   64

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period June 24, 2019 to June 30, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

More summer-like conditions moved back into the area for the last week of June. Heat 
really built into the state over the second half of the period with highs consistently 
getting into the upper 80s to low 90s. Combined with higher humidity, the livestock 
heat stress index jumped into the danger category each afternoon and evening. 
Showers and storms were hit and miss for much of the week with only a few solid 
chances of rainfall. The first came on Monday as a weak cold front produced 
widespread showers and embedded storms. A second disturbance sparked scattered to 
numerous activity across Western/Central Kentucky on Wednesday evening and then 
Sunday, another round pushed south across the state. Overall, average total 
accumulations were higher across Western Kentucky at 1.12 inches and lowest in the 
Bluegrass Region with an average of 0.48. Data at the Ag Weather Center shows the 
state averaged 7.70 inches for the month of June, which is over 3 inches above 

Temperatures for the period averaged 76 degrees across the state which was 1 degree 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 87 in the West to 87 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to 2 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 67 degrees in the 
West to 65 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 
degree warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 95 degrees at PADUCAH ASOS and the 
extreme low was 57 degrees at PAINTSVILLE 4W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.81 inches statewide which was 0.18 
inches below normal and 82% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
1.12 inches, Central 0.94 inches, Bluegrass 0.48 inches and East 0.72 inches, which 
was 0.14, -0.04, -0.49 and -0.31 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.10 inches at PADUCAH ASOS to a high of 
3.86 inches at FRANKLIN 4SW. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190624 to 20190630(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             87   -1   67    1   77    0   1.12   0.14  114   95   60
CENTRAL(CD2)          86    0   66    2   76    1   0.94  -0.04   96   94   61
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        86    1   66    3   76    2   0.48  -0.49   49   92   60
EAST(CD4)             87    2   65    4   76    3   0.72  -0.31   70   93   57
STATE                 86    0   66    2   76    1   0.81  -0.18   82   95   57

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period June 17, 2019 to June 23, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Rainfall:

Exceptionally wet conditions continue to plague the area. Dry weather has been hard 
to find with daily rounds of showers and storms this past week. Overall, the state 
averaged 3.63 inches for the period. Central Kentucky, in itself, even averaged 4.15, 
marking the second time this month that this area has went over 4 inches. Kentucky 
remained situated into a moist atmosphere for most of the week, which led to 
torrential rainfall and localized flooding from time to time. Several lines of 
storms pushed through the area, especially Friday and over the weekend. These lines 
produced frequent lightning, damaging winds and even some tornadoes. Looking more at 
the abundant rainfall, Kentucky typically averages 4.25 inches for the month of June. 
Thus far, data at the Ag Weather Center shows the state has averaged 6.88 inches for 
the month. This would place Kentucky in the top 10 wettest June�s of all time, but 
still not close to the all-time record of 11.67 inches set in 1928.

Temperatures for the period averaged 74 degrees across the state which was near
normal and 6 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 84 in the West to 80 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 68 degrees in the 
West to 65 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 4 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 91 degrees at CAPE GIRARDEAU ASOS and 
the extreme low was 57 degrees at CAMPBELLSVILLE 7W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 3.63 inches statewide which was 2.61 
inches above normal and 357% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 3.34 inches, Central 4.15 inches, Bluegrass 3.71 inches and East 3.33 inches, 
which was 2.33, 3.14, 2.69 and 2.3 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 1.57 inches at BIG SANDY to a high of 6.58 inches at LONDON. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190617 to 20190623(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             84   -3   68    4   76    0   3.34   2.33  331   91   60
CENTRAL(CD2)          82   -3   66    3   74    0   4.15   3.14  411   90   57
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        80   -4   64    2   72   -1   3.71   2.69  364   87   58
EAST(CD4)             80   -4   65    5   73    1   3.33   2.30  323   89   57
STATE                 82   -3   66    4   74    0   3.63   2.61  357   91   57

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period June 10, 2019 to June 16, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Rainfall:

Kentucky average rainfall was below normal for the week, but that does not tell the 
whole story. Western and Central Kentucky each averaged under a quarter inch for the 
week, well below normal. Accumulations increased farther east and especially north. 
The Bluegrass area averaged 1.53 inches behind multiple rounds of rainfall, mainly 
Wednesday and Sunday afternoons/evenings. Temperature-wise, it was a cooler week 
overall for the Bluegrass State with the weekly state average coming in below normal 
for this first time since March. The coolest period came Friday morning as clear 
skies and calm winds sent lows into the middle to upper 40s!

Temperatures for the period averaged 68 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees 
cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 80 in the West to 76 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 5 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 7 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 60 degrees in the 
West to 57 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 3 
degrees cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree cooler than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 91 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and 
the extreme low was 43 degrees at CAMPBELLSVILLE 7W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.64 inches statewide which was 0.38 
inches below normal and 63% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.18 inches, Central 0.24 inches, Bluegrass 1.53 inches and East 0.61 inches, which 
was -0.79, -0.79, 0.49 and -0.43 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BENTON 4N to a high of 3.58 
inches at CINCINNATI. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190610 to 20190616(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             80   -5   60   -3   70   -4   0.18  -0.79   19   91   45
CENTRAL(CD2)          78   -6   59   -2   69   -3   0.24  -0.79   23   91   43
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        76   -6   58   -2   67   -4   1.53   0.49  147   89   43
EAST(CD4)             76   -7   57   -1   67   -4   0.61  -0.43   59   89   43
STATE                 78   -6   58   -2   68   -4   0.64  -0.38   63   91   43

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period June 3, 2019 to June 9, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Rainfall:

A very active pattern with daily bouts of rainfall between Wednesday and Sunday led 
to an exceptionally wet week for the Commonwealth. Much of the activity fell across 
Central Kentucky and areas to the east, scattered to numerous in coverage most of the 
time. Thunderstorms tended to be slow-movers during the period and with a combination of 
torrential rainfall and saturated ground, localized flooding was a possibility. 
Central Kentucky, in itself, averaged 4.14 inches for the week. A handful of 
locations were more than five inches. Putting this into perspective, Kentucky 
averages 4.25 inches for the entire month of June. Western Kentucky saw the least, 
but still came in at 1.55 inches. After portions of the state were starting to get 
dry in May, the state has now went two straight weeks with above normal rainfall.

Temperatures for the period averaged 72 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees 
warmer than normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged 
from 82 in the West to 79 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures 
ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees cooler than normal 
in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 66 degrees in the West to 62 degrees in 
the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 5 degrees warmer than 
normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high 
temperature for the period was 94 degrees at FRANKLIN 4SW and the extreme low was 45 
degrees at CYNTHIANA 8N.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 2.57 inches statewide which was 1.49 
inches above normal and 239% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.55 inches, Central 4.14 inches, Bluegrass 1.97 inches and East 2.61 inches, 
which was 0.51, 3.05, 0.87 and 1.53 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.23 inches at PRINCETON 2SE to a high of 6.72 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190603 to 20190609(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             82   -2   66    5   74    2   1.55   0.51  149   94   52
CENTRAL(CD2)          81   -1   64    4   73    2   4.14   3.05  380   93   50
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        79   -1   62    3   71    1   1.97   0.87  179   89   45
EAST(CD4)             79   -3   62    5   71    2   2.61   1.53  242   88   45
STATE                 80   -2   64    5   72    2   2.57   1.49  239   94   45

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period May 27, 2019 to June 2, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Rainfall:

Kentucky broke a three-week streak of below normal rainfall as the state averaged 
1.18 inches for the period. While conditions were mostly dry on Memorial Day and 
Tuesday, rain coverage increased over the second half of the workweek. A combination 
of surface boundaries and unstable atmosphere sparked showers and storms on a daily 
basis with some storms becoming strong to severe at times. While the state averaged 
1.18 inches, that number increased to 1.76 across Western Kentucky. Some saw 3+ inches. 
The rain came as some areas of the state were starting to get fairly dry. The US Drought 
Monitor even introduced �Abnormally Dry� conditions to portions of Central and Eastern 
Kentucky with the latest update on May 30th.  

Temperatures for the period averaged 73 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 83 in the West to 82 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree warmer than normal in the West to 2 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 66 degrees in the 
West to 63 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 7 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 8 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 91 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and 
the extreme low was 53 degrees at HINDMAN 5N.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.18 inches statewide which was 0.06 
inches above normal and 105% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.76 inches, Central 0.88 inches, Bluegrass 1.11 inches and East 0.97 inches, 
which was 0.66, -0.28, 0.02 and -0.16 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.12 inches at MIDDLESBORO AWOS to a high 
of 3.56 inches at BENTON 4N. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190527 to 20190602(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             83    1   66    7   75    4   1.76   0.66  160   91   57
CENTRAL(CD2)          82    2   65    7   73    4   0.88  -0.28   76   91   54
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        79    0   64    7   72    4   1.11   0.02  102   88   53
EAST(CD4)             82    2   63    8   72    5   0.97  -0.16   86   91   53
STATE                 82    2   64    7   73    4   1.18   0.06  105   91   53

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period May 20, 2019 to May 26, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

Kentucky has now went three straight weeks with below normal rainfall. The state 
only averaged 0.61 inches for the week with higher totals across the Purchase area, 
North Central Kentucky, and the Bluegrass. Totals diminished across Southern and 
Southeastern Kentucky. The brunt of the activity came on Sunday as a disturbance 
sparked scattered to numerous storms across primarily the northern half of Kentucky. 
Storms were capable of heavy rain, frequent lightning, and some gusty winds. 
Otherwise, the rest of the week featured hit-or-miss activity with most of the state 
staying dry. Looking at temperatures, summer-like heat returned over the second half 
of the week with highs jumping into the upper 80s to low 90s. This marked the ninth 
straight week of near to above normal temperatures for the Bluegrass State.

Temperatures for the period averaged 74 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees 
warmer than normal and 8 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 86 in the West to 85 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 6 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees warmer 
than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 66 degrees in the West to 62 
degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 9 degrees 
warmer than normal in the West to 10 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 93 degrees at BURKESVILLE 3W and the 
extreme low was 48 degrees at ALEXANDRIA 5NW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.61 inches statewide which was 0.5 
inches below normal and 55% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.69 inches, Central 0.58 inches, Bluegrass 0.98 inches and East 0.20 inches, which 
was 0.41, 0.57, 0.09 and 0.92 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BARBOURVILLE 3E to a high of 3.13 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190520 to 20190526(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             86    6   66    9   76    8   0.69  -0.41   63   92   51
CENTRAL(CD2)          86    8   64    8   75    8   0.58  -0.57   50   93   51
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        83    6   62    7   73    7   0.98  -0.09   92   91   48
EAST(CD4)             85    7   62   10   73    8   0.20  -0.92   18   91   48
STATE                 85    7   64    9   74    8   0.61  -0.50   55   93   48

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period May 13, 2019 to May 19, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

Kentucky rainfall has now been below normal for two straight weeks. Monday and 
Tuesday started the period cool and dry, before a disturbance passed through Western 
Kentucky on Wednesday. Many across this area saw anywhere from a quarter to an inch+, 
while the rest of the state remained dry. This was followed by another disturbance 
on Thursday evening and overnight, dropping through portions of Central and Eastern 
Kentucky. Storms were capable of producing heavy rain and dangerous lightning. Mostly 
dry conditions then returned for Friday and Saturday, accompanied by a return to 
summer heat and humidity. Highs rose into the middle to upper 80s for most with some 
even touching 90 degrees. Scattered activity returned on Sunday, but once again, most 
stayed dry. Over the past two weeks, a large section of Central and Eastern Kentucky 
are showing rainfall departures of 1 to 2 inches below normal. Some locations around 
Bowling Green are more than 2 inches below.

Temperatures for the period averaged 65 degrees across the state which was 
near normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 77 in the West to 75 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 56 degrees in the 
West to 53 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 
degree warmer than normal in the West to 3 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 90 degrees at BURKESVILLE 3W and the 
extreme low was 37 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.40 inches statewide which was 0.73 
inches below normal and 35% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.82 inches, Central 0.21 inches, Bluegrass 0.31 inches and East 0.27 inches, which 
was 0.35, 0.98, 0.77 and 0.83 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.02 inches at COLUMBIA 3N to a high of 2.26 inches at PADUCAH ASOS. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190513 to 20190519(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             77   -1   56    1   67    1   0.82  -0.35   70   90   39
CENTRAL(CD2)          76    0   54    1   65    0   0.21  -0.98   18   90   38
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        74   -1   53    1   64    0   0.31  -0.77   29   88   40
EAST(CD4)             75   -1   53    3   64    1   0.27  -0.83   25   89   37
STATE                 76   -0   54    2   65    0   0.40  -0.73   35   90   37

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period May 6, 2019 to May 12, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

Weather-wise, the first and second halves of the period were nearly opposite to each 
other. Dry and very warm conditions were in place for Monday through Wednesday. In 
fact, highs rose solidly into the low to middle 80s across the state by Wednesday. 
Combined with some elevated humidity, Kentucky got an early taste of summer. 
Conditions then took a 180-degree turn for the second half of the week as wet and 
cooler weather returned. The state saw several rounds of scattered to numerous 
showers pass through the region, but total accumulations were fairly light for most 
of the state. While portions of Southeastern Kentucky and the Northern Bluegrass saw 
rainfall well in upwards of an inch, Western and Central Kentucky averaged less than 
a half inch.

Temperatures for the period averaged 64 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees 
warmer than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 72 in the West to 75 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 4 degrees cooler than normal in the West to near
normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 56 degrees in the West to 56 
degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 3 degrees 
warmer than normal in the West to 9 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 87 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the 
extreme low was 43 degrees at CYNTHIANA 8N.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.65 inches statewide which was 0.45 
inches below normal and 59% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.41 inches, Central 0.38 inches, Bluegrass 0.52 inches and East 1.30 inches, which 
was -0.75, -0.78, -0.50 and 0.25 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.13 inches at OWENSBORO AWSS to a high of 
3.42 inches at MIDDLESBORO AWOS. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190506 to 20190512(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             72   -4   56    3   64    0   0.41  -0.75   35   86   45
CENTRAL(CD2)          73   -1   56    5   65    2   0.38  -0.78   33   87   44
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        72   -1   54    4   62    1   0.52  -0.50   51   84   43
EAST(CD4)             75    0   56    9   66    5   1.30   0.25  124   86   44
STATE                 73   -2   56    6   64    2   0.65  -0.45   59   87   43

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period April 29, 2019 to May 5, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall:

Extended periods of dry weather have been few over the past month. Data from the Ag 
Weather Center shows that the state has averaged 6.05 inches over the past thirty 
days. The wet trend continued this past week with several rounds of showers and storms 
passing through the area from Wednesday and lasting through Derby Day. An unstable 
and moist air mass in place led to moderate/heavy rainfall at times and even the 
potential for flooding by later in the week. Rainfall coverage turned widespread 
Thursday night/Friday morning and again on Saturday. Overall, the state averaged 
1.62 inches for the week, which marks the third week out of the past four with above 
normal rainfall. While it has been wet, temperatures have been running warm for this 
time of year. Highs jumped into the 80s numerous times this past week.

Temperatures for the period averaged 68 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees 
warmer than normal and 8 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 76 in the West to 78 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 59 degrees in the 
West to 58 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 13 degrees warmer than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 127 degrees at FRANKFORT 7S and 
the extreme low was 34 degrees at FRANKFORT 7S.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.62 inches statewide which was 0.54 
inches above normal and 150% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.92 inches, Central 1.52 inches, Bluegrass 1.38 inches and East 1.65 inches, 
which was 0.71, 0.41, 0.39 and 0.64 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.13 inches at CADIZ 4SW to a high of 4.44 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190429 to 20190505(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             76    2   59    8   68    6   1.92   0.71  159   86   47
CENTRAL(CD2)          77    4   58    9   68    7   1.52   0.41  137   85   45
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        76    5   57    9   66    7   1.38   0.39  139  127   34
EAST(CD4)             78    5   58   13   68    9   1.65   0.64  163   87   41
STATE                 77    4   58   10   68    8   1.62   0.54  150  127   34

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period April 22, 2019 to April 28, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

The first half of the work week started on the warm side with high temperatures 
topping out in the middle 70s to low 80s for highs. After a dry Monday, a frontal 
boundary sank into the area and with disturbances passing overhead, sparked several 
rounds of showers and storms through Friday. The most widespread activity occurred 
Thursday and Thursday night. Overall, the highest accumulations for the week were 
confined to areas along the Ohio River and the Northern Bluegrass with around 1 to 2+ 
inches. Those numbers declined to the southern half of the state as most were under a 
half inch for the week.

Temperatures for the period averaged 62 degrees across the state which was 4 degrees 
warmer than normal and 6 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 74 in the West to 74 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 2 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 3 degrees warmer 
than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 52 degrees in the West to 50 
degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 3 degrees 
warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 86 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the extreme 
low was 36 degrees at PAINTSVILLE 4W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.74 inches statewide which was 0.3 
inches below normal and 71% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.70 inches, Central 0.49 inches, Bluegrass 1.24 inches and East 0.54 inches, which 
was -0.50, -0.57, 0.28 and -0.42 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.12 inches at BENTON 4N to a high of 2.87 
inches at OWENTON 5E. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190422 to 20190428(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             74    2   52    3   63    3   0.70  -0.50   58   82   40
CENTRAL(CD2)          73    2   51    4   62    3   0.49  -0.57   46   84   38
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        70    1   50    5   60    3   1.24   0.28  129   82   37
EAST(CD4)             74    3   50    7   62    5   0.54  -0.42   56   86   36
STATE                 73    2   51    5   62    4   0.74  -0.30   71   86   36

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period April 15, 2019 to April 21, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall:

According to data with the UK Ag Weather Center, April has been a fairly wet month 
thus far for the Bluegrass State with the state averaging 3.94 inches through the 
21st. This is about an inch above normal over that time span. A good portion of 
that total fell this past week as the state averaged 1.78 inches. Most of this 
activity fell over a three day period, lasting from Thursday into Saturday as a cold 
front and associated area of low pressure worked through the state. This marked the 
second straight week of above normal rainfall. A substantial area of Western/Central 
Kentucky and up into the Northern Bluegrass even received in excess of two inches 
with this round.

Temperatures for the period averaged 56 degrees across the state which was near
normal and 6 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 67 in the West to 67 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 2 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 46 degrees in the 
West to 46 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 
degree cooler than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 85 degrees at BIG SANDY and the 
extreme low was 30 degrees at CARBONDALE ASOS.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.78 inches statewide which was 0.8 
inches above normal and 181% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 2.25 inches, Central 2.20 inches, Bluegrass 1.79 inches and East 0.88 inches, 
which was 1.12, 1.21, 0.89 and -0.04 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.40 inches at WILLIAMSBURG AWOS to a high 
of 3.84 inches at GREENVILLE 6N. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190415 to 20190421(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             67   -3   46   -1   56   -2   2.25   1.12  199   80   30
CENTRAL(CD2)          66   -3   45    0   55   -2   2.20   1.21  222   80   33
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        64   -3   46    3   55    0   1.79   0.89  199   81   33
EAST(CD4)             67   -2   46    5   57    2   0.88  -0.04   96   85   30
STATE                 66   -3   46    2   56    0   1.78   0.80  181   85   30

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period April 8, 2019 to April 14, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Rainfall:

Kentucky saw above normal rainfall over the past week behind multiple rounds of 
precipitation. Activity started on Monday as an upper level disturbance worked across 
the area. Widespread coverage was focused more across the southern half of the state. 
This was followed by a few mild and dry days. By Thursday, breezy southerly flow
ahead of an approaching area of low pressure pushed highs into the low to middle 80s 
for much of the state. A cold front then swept through on Thursday night and into 
Friday, bringing a quick-hitting round of showers and storms. Accumulations were 
fairly light with this round, but was followed by another area of low pressure 
working through the area on Saturday night and into Sunday. Overall, this system 
accounted for the brunt of the 1.59 state average for the week. Accompanying the 
weekend system was high winds with numerous gusts over 40 mph and some exceeding 50.

Temperatures for the period averaged 63 degrees across the state which was 8 degrees 
warmer than normal and 10 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 73 in the West to 74 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 5 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 7 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 52 degrees in the 
West to 53 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 7 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 14 degrees warmer than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 86 degrees at JACKSON AIRPORT 
and the extreme low was 36 degrees at PAINTSVILLE 4W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.59 inches statewide which was 0.57 
inches above normal and 157% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.92 inches, Central 1.71 inches, Bluegrass 1.27 inches and East 1.47 inches, 
which was 0.76, 0.67, 0.35 and 0.53 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.75 inches at CINCINNATI to a high of 2.67 
inches at HICKMAN 2E. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190408 to 20190414(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             73    5   52    7   63    6   1.92   0.76  166   84   40
CENTRAL(CD2)          74    7   53   10   63    8   1.71   0.67  164   84   39
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        72    7   52   11   62    9   1.27   0.35  138   83   37
EAST(CD4)             74    7   53   14   64   11   1.47   0.53  156   86   36
STATE                 73    6   52   10   63    8   1.59   0.57  157   86   36

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period April 1, 2019 to April 7, 2019

Slightly Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Rainfall:

The month of April started on a cold note with low temperatures dipping well into the 
20s on Monday morning. This prompted the first freeze warnings of the spring season 
to be issued across the southern half of Kentucky. Dry conditions and warmer 
temperatures then prevailed through midweek, eventually rising into the middle 60s to 
around 70 on Wednesday. An upper level disturbance then brought light rain showers to 
the region on Thursday night and into Friday. This was followed by a more intense 
round on Sunday as showers and scattered storms pushed through the Bluegrass State. 
Overall though, the state only averaged just over a half inch for the week.

Temperatures for the period averaged 53 degrees across the state which was 1 degree 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 64 in the West to 66 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 44 degrees in the 
West to 41 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 2 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 4 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 78 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the 
extreme low was 19 degrees at PIKEVILLE 13S.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.56 inches statewide which was 0.43 
inches below normal and 57% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.39 inches, Central 0.78 inches, Bluegrass 0.57 inches and East 0.50 inches, which 
was 0.7, 0.25, 0.33 and 0.44 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.08 inches at ALEXANDRIA 5NW to a high of 1.19 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190401 to 20190407(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             64   -2   44    2   54    0   0.39  -0.70   36   76   24
CENTRAL(CD2)          65    1   43    2   54    2   0.78  -0.25   76   76   22
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        63    1   42    3   52    2   0.57  -0.33   63   75   20
EAST(CD4)             66    1   41    4   53    2   0.50  -0.44   53   78   19
STATE                 64   -0   42    2   53    1   0.56  -0.43   57   78   19

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period March 25, 2019 to March 31, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Precipitation:

The month of March came to a close with a week of slightly above normal rainfall and 
near normal temperatures. The period started with low pressure sliding southeast 
across the area, sparking showers and isolated storms. A few dry days followed with 
mostly sunny skies taking temperatures on the uphill climb. Highs were sitting in the 
70s by Thursday for much of Kentucky. Rain chances then went on the increase again 
starting Thursday night and lasting through Saturday. Rainfall totals were on the 
light side early-on, but a strong cold front passed through the state on Saturday, 
sparking a line of showers and storms. This line accounted for the brunt of the 
rainfall for the week, a little over an inch on average. This broke a two week 
stretch of below normal rainfall through the mid- section of March. Overall, data at 
the Ag Weather Center shows Kentucky averaged 3.46 inches for month, which was the 
first month of below normal precipitation since October of last year.

Temperatures for the period averaged 50 degrees across the state which was near 
normaland 4 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 60 in the West to 62 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees cooler than normal in the West to near
normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 41 degrees in the West to 40 
degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 1 degree 
warmer than normal in the West to 5 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The 
extreme high temperature for the period was 79 degrees at JACKSON and the extreme low 
was 21 degrees at MONTICELLO AWOS.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.08 inches statewide which was 0.06 
inches above normal and 105% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.24 inches, Central 0.95 inches, Bluegrass 1.45 inches and East 0.69 inches, 
which was 0.14, -0.13, 0.53 and -0.31 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.35 inches at SOMERSET AWOS to a high of 
2.91 inches at CINCINNATI.

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190325 to 20190331(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             60   -3   41    1   50   -2   1.24   0.14  113   74   26
CENTRAL(CD2)          61   -1   40    1   50    0   0.95  -0.13   88   75   23
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        57   -2   39    2   48    0   1.45   0.53  158   75   23
EAST(CD4)             62    0   40    5   51    2   0.69  -0.31   69   79   21
STATE                 60   -2   40    2   50    0   1.08   0.06  105   79   21

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period March 18, 2019 to March 24, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Precipitation:

As opposed to February, the weather pattern has turned to dry one in March. Through 
the 24th of the month, data at the Ag Weather Center shows the state has only 
averaged 2.38 inches, which is over an inch below normal. This past week was the 
driest of the month with Kentucky only averaging a little over a tenth of an inch and 
marked the second straight week of below normal precipitation. High pressure kept 
the area dry for most of the week. A couple systems did move through the area on 
Wednesday night/Thursday and Sunday, but in the case of both, only amounted to light 

Temperatures for the period averaged 45 degrees across the state which was 3 degrees 
cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 59 in the West to 56 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 35 degrees in the 
West to 32 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 4 
degrees cooler than normal in the West to 2 degrees cooler than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 73 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the 
extreme low was 20 degrees at PAINTSVILLE 4W.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.11 inches statewide which was 0.93 
inches below normal and 11% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.13 inches, Central 0.04 inches, Bluegrass 0.12 inches and East 0.14 inches, which 
was 0.98, 1.06, 0.82 and 0.88 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at FORT CAMPBELL to a high of 0.35 
inches at BIG SANDY. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190318 to 20190324(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             59   -2   35   -4   47   -3   0.13  -0.98   12   72   25
CENTRAL(CD2)          57   -3   33   -4   45   -3   0.04  -1.06    4   70   22
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        55   -2   32   -3   43   -3   0.12  -0.82   13   69   21
EAST(CD4)             56   -4   32   -2   44   -3   0.14  -0.88   14   73   20
STATE                 57   -2   33   -3   45   -3   0.11  -0.93   11   73   20

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period March 11, 2019 to March 17, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Precipitation:

Dry conditions ruled to start the week, but that quickly changed by Thursday as a 
strong low-pressure system worked through the area. Ahead of the low, temperatures 
warmed into the upper 60s to middle 70s both Wednesday and Thursday. Showers and 
storms arrived starting Wednesday night and intensified Thursday morning across 
Western Kentucky. This area saw strong to severe storms with some producing 
tornadoes, four in all, including an EF2 near Paducah. In addition to the storms, 
very breezy winds were present all day on Thursday. A High Wind Warning was even 
issued for portions of the state. Winds gusting between 40 and 50 mph was common 
outside of thunderstorms, but there were also several reports over 50, including 69 
mph in Fayette County! Precipitation was very slow to move east from Western Kentucky 
and slowly diminished in strength and intensity. In doing so, while Western Kentucky 
averaged 1.73 inches for the week and caused some flooding, Eastern Kentucky came in
at only 0.14 inches.

Temperatures for the period averaged 49 degrees across the state which was 3 degrees 
warmer than normal and 14 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 60 in the West to 61 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 1 degree warmer than normal in the West to 3 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 40 degrees in the 
West to 38 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 3 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 6 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 80 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the 
extreme low was 21 degrees at CYNTHIANA 8N.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.65 inches statewide which was 0.33 
inches below normal and 66% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
1.73 inches, Central 0.28 inches, Bluegrass 0.47 inches and East 0.14 inches, which 
was 0.70, -0.75, -0.43 and -0.84 inches respectively from normal. By station, 
precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at BOWLING GREEN 4E to a high 
of 3.67 inches at PADUCAH ASOS. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190311 to 20190317(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             60    1   40    3   50    2   1.73   0.70  168   77   25
CENTRAL(CD2)          60    3   39    4   49    3   0.28  -0.75   27   78   23
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        58    3   37    4   47    3   0.47  -0.43   52   77   21
EAST(CD4)             61    3   38    6   49    4   0.14  -0.84   14   80   22
STATE                 60    3   38    4   49    3   0.65  -0.33   66   80   21

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period March 4, 2019 to March 10, 2019

Well Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Precipitation:

The period started off with very cold temperatures and dry conditions in place. 
North/northwest flow brought some Arctic air into the region on Monday and Tuesday. 
Kentuckians woke up to wind chills in the single digits each morning and highs only 
reaching into the 20s and 30s, well below seasonable norms. Temperatures slightly increased 
to end the work week, but not quite enough to prevent any wintry weather. Winter 
Weather Advisories were issued for Thursday night and into Friday morning. Many 
across the northern half of the state saw 1 to 2 inches of slushy snow. In typical 
Ohio Valley fashion, the weather took a 180 degree turn for the weekend. High 
temperatures jumped into the 50s and 60s ahead of a strong area of low pressure. 
Several rounds of showers and storms progressed through the area during the day with 
heavy rain as the primary threat. This accounted for the brunt of the precipitations 
for the week as the state averaged 1.33 inches.

Temperatures for the period averaged 34 degrees across the state which was 10 degrees 
cooler than normal and 6 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 43 in the West to 43 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 14 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 13 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 27 degrees in the 
West to 27 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 
degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees cooler than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 72 degrees at YELLOW CREEK and the 
extreme low was 6 degrees at ALEXANDRIA 5NW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.33 inches statewide which was 0.35 
inches above normal and 136% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.19 inches, Central 1.48 inches, Bluegrass 1.46 inches and East 1.18 inches, 
which was 0.15, 0.45, 0.58 and 0.22 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.53 inches at WHITESBURG 2NW to a high of 2.23 
inches at ELIZABETHTOWN 8W. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190304 to 20190310(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             43  -14   27   -8   35  -11   1.19   0.15  114   67    8
CENTRAL(CD2)          43  -13   27   -7   35  -10   1.48   0.45  144   65    9
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        40  -13   25   -7   32  -11   1.46   0.58  166   62    6
EAST(CD4)             43  -13   27   -4   35   -9   1.18   0.22  123   72    6
STATE                 42  -14   26   -7   34  -10   1.33   0.35  136   72    6

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period February 25, 2019 to March 3, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Precipitation:

Three straight weeks of well above normal precipitation has finally came in an end. 
Kentucky experienced some drier conditions this week, only averaging about a quarter 
inch. This followed what will go down as the second wettest February on record for 
the Bluegrass State with data going back to 1895. Conditions were dry through 
Wednesday with temperatures following a warming trend. Highs by Wednesday were in the 
60s. A cold front then moved through the area late in the day, bringing cooler 
temperatures back to the area for the rest of the week. This frontal passage was a 
mostly dry one, but was followed by southern stream disturbance later on Thursday, 
bringing some light rain to the region. Attention then turned to Sunday where a 
couple waves aloft sparked a wintry mix across the region. Cold rain 
across much of the region and some snow farther north.

Temperatures for the period averaged 40 degrees across the state which was 2 
degrees cooler than normal and 2 degrees cooler than the previous period.  High 
temperatures averaged from 46 in the West to 50 in the East. Departure from 
normal high temperatures ranged from 9 degrees cooler than normal in the West 
to 4 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 31 
degrees in the West to 33 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low 
temperature ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 3 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period 
was 70 degrees at LOUISA 1S and the extreme low was 21 degrees at BRANDENBURG 4SW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.39 inches statewide which was 
0.6 inches below normal and 40% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate 
division, West 0.23 inches, Central 0.37 inches, Bluegrass 0.31 inches and East 
0.66 inches, which was 0.87, 0.67, 0.56 and 0.27 inches below normal. By 
station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at LONDON CORBIN 
APRT to a high of 1.35 inches at PIKEVILLE 13S. 

                Temperature                      Precipitation
cd             temp     norm      dev     prcp     norm      dev   percent
WEST(CD1)      38.8     43.3     -4.5     0.24     0.95    -0.72       25
CENTRAL(CD2)   40.2     42.6     -2.3     0.24     0.94    -0.70       26
BLUEGRASS(CD3) 37.9     40.4     -2.5     0.23     0.91    -0.68       25
EAST(CD4)      40.4     41.1     -0.7     0.32     0.93    -0.60       35
State          39.4     41.8     -2.4     0.26     0.93    -0.67       28

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period February 18 to February 24, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Rainfall:

Kentucky can just simply not get a break from the wet pattern. The state has now 
gone three straight weeks averaging over two inches of precipitation. In fact, this 
week, the Bluegrass State averaged 3.86! The state saw some rare dry days on Monday 
and most of Tuesday. Light rain started arriving again across Southern Kentucky on 
Tuesday evening and expanded north overnight. Rain turned heavier overnight and by 
daybreak on Wednesday, 1 to 2 inches of rainfall was common. Soaking rains continued 
on Wednesday with a front stalled across the area. After a temporary break on 
Thursday, precipitation returned that night, continuing into Friday and the first 
half of the weekend. An additional 1 to 3 inches fell across the area, ending with a 
complex of showers and storms Saturday evening. Much of the southern half of 
Kentucky got 3 to 4+ inches over the course of the period. Major flooding ensued for 
some along the Ohio River across Western Kentucky, in addition to counties bordering the 
Cumberland and Kentucky Rivers. Many counties in Eastern Kentucky were under a State 
of Emergency. Mudslides were common across this area. Lake Cumberland actually 
recorded the highest lake level ever on February 25th at 755.49 feet.

Temperatures for the period averaged 42 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees 
warmer than normal and no change to the previous period. High temperatures averaged 
from 48 in the West to 50 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures 
ranged from 4 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 1 degree cooler than normal 
in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 36 degrees in the West to 38 degrees in 
the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 5 degrees warmer than 
normal in the West to 11 degrees warmer than normal in the East. The extreme high 
temperature for the period was 67 degrees at WHITESBURG 2NW and the extreme low was 
18 degrees at BURLINGTON 4S.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 3.86 inches statewide which was 2.92 
inches above normal and 411% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 3.67 inches, Central 4.33 inches, Bluegrass 3.03 inches and East 4.42 inches, 
which was 2.61, 3.32, 2.22 and 3.54 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.89 inches at CARBONDALE ASOS to a high of 5.91 inches 
at MURRAY 1W. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190218 to 20190224(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             48   -4   36    5   42    1   3.67   2.61  346   64   24
CENTRAL(CD2)          50   -1   36    6   43    3   4.33   3.32  429   66   22
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        48    0   34    6   41    3   3.03   2.22  374   62   18
EAST(CD4)             50   -1   38   11   44    5   4.42   3.54  502   67   21
STATE                 49   -2   36    7   42    2   3.86   2.92  411   67   18

Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period February 11 to February 17, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Rainfall:

Ground is waterlogged across the Commonwealth as the state went back to back weeks 
with the state averaging over two inches of precipitation. Most of that rain fell 
early in the week on Monday and Tuesday, moderate to heavy intensity from time to 
time. Localized flooding was common, while river flooding continued to worsen across 
the area. That activity ended with the passage of a cold front on Tuesday 
morning/afternoon. After a warm start to the week in the 50s and 60s, temperatures 
dipped back to seasonable norms on Wednesday and was followed by another cold front 
Thursday night. Winter Weather Advisories and Winter Storm Warnings were issued to 
end the workweek with 1 to 3 inches of snow across the southern half of the 
state. Ice accumulations were limited to mainly Southwestern Kentucky. Light rain 
returned on Sunday, capping a very wet week. Overall, the state averaged 2.71 inches, 
almost two inches above normal for this time of year.

Temperatures for the period averaged 42 degrees across the state which was 4 
degrees warmer than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High 
temperatures averaged from 49 in the West to 51 in the East. Departure from 
normal high temperatures ranged from near normal in the West to 3 degrees warmer 
than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 35 degrees in the West 
to 35 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 7 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 10 degrees warmer than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 65 degrees at WHITESBURG 
2NW and the extreme low was 22 degrees at CARBONDALE ASOS.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 2.71 inches statewide which was 
1.8 inches above normal and 299% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate 
division, West 3.27 inches, Central 2.96 inches, Bluegrass 2.12 inches and East 
2.47 inches, which was 2.26, 1.97, 1.34 and 1.62 inches above normal. By 
station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 1.23 inches at MT STERLING 
AWOS to a high of 4.81 inches at MAYFIELD 6SW. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190211 to 20190217(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)
                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             49    0   35    7   42    3   3.27   2.26  324   61   22
CENTRAL(CD2)          50    2   35    7   43    5   2.96   1.97  299   61   26
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        47    1   32    6   40    4   2.12   1.34  272   62   24
EAST(CD4)             51    3   35   10   43    6   2.47   1.62  291   65   24
STATE                 49    1   34    7   42    4   2.71   1.80  299   65   22

Kentucky Climate Summary 
For the Period February 4 to February 10, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Much Above Normal Precipitation:

Kentucky cannot seem to shake the wet pattern that has plagued the region for quite 
some time. The state averaged almost 2.5 inches for the week behind multiple rounds 
of rainfall. This was a statewide event with Western Kentucky the leader at an 
average of 3.12, while Eastern Kentucky was on the low end at 1.98. The brunt of the 
activity fell Tuesday through Thursday, leading to some flooding across the region. 
Temperature-wise, the week started out with temperatures in the 60s and 70s, lasting 
through Thursday. Behind a strong cold front, temperatures plummeted Thursday 
night with lows dipping well into the 20s and the teens on Friday night, introducing 
livestock cold stress to the Emergency category yet again.

Temperatures for the period averaged 46 degrees across the state which was 10 degrees 
warmer than normal and 14 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 51 in the West to 56 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 5 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 10 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 37 degrees in the 
West to 39 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 10 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 15 degrees warmer than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 76 degrees at BOONEVILLE 2S and 
the extreme low was 12 degrees at BURLINGTON 4S.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 2.49 inches statewide which was 1.62 
inches above normal and 285% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 3.12 inches, Central 2.81 inches, Bluegrass 2.06 inches and East 1.98 inches, 
which was 2.16, 1.85, 1.3 and 1.16 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 1.11 inches at BIG SANDY to a high of 4.27 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190204 to 20190210(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             51    5   37   10   44    7   3.12   2.16  325   71   16
CENTRAL(CD2)          54    8   40   14   47   11   2.81   1.85  293   75   15
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        52    8   37   13   44   10   2.06   1.30  271   73   12
EAST(CD4)             56   10   39   15   47   12   1.98   1.16  241   76   14
STATE                 53    8   38   13   46   10   2.49   1.62  285   76   12

Kentucky Climate Summary 
For the Period January 28 to February 3, 2019

Near Normal Temperatures and Much Below Normal Precipitation:

In typical Ohio Valley fashion, the weather changed drastically over the course of 
the week. Starting out, temperatures jumped into the mid to upper 50s on Monday. 
Behind a cold front, temperatures crashed, setting up a very cold few days as Arctic 
air built into the area. Wind chills dropped all the way down to -10 to -20 below 
zero Tuesday night and into Wednesday, pushing the livestock cold stress index into the 
Emergency category for an extended period of time. The cold continued into the first 
part of Thursday with some morning lows below zero. Luckily, a warming trend ensued 
for the rest of the week, eventually making it back in the 50s and 60s over the 
weekend. Even hitting the low 70s for some across Western and Central Kentucky. 
While temperatures were up and down, the state did not see much in the way of 
precipitation. Overall, the state averaged less than a tenth of an inch for the week.

Temperatures for the period averaged 33 degrees across the state which was near 
normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 
45 in the West to 46 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 
near normal in the West to 2 degrees warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures 
averaged from 24 degrees in the West to 22 degrees in the East. Departure from normal 
low temperature ranged from 1 degree cooler than normal in the West to near normal in 
the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 71 degrees at FORT CAMPBELL 
and the extreme low was -9 degrees at BURLINGTON 4S.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.09 inches statewide which was 0.75 
inches below normal and 11% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.08 inches, Central 0.08 inches, Bluegrass 0.10 inches and East 0.08 inches, which 
was 0.82, 0.83, 0.62 and 0.73 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.00 inches at MIDDLESBORO AWOS to a high of 0.19 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190128 to 20190203(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             45    0   24   -1   35    0   0.08  -0.82    9   71    1
CENTRAL(CD2)          43    0   23   -1   33   -1   0.08  -0.83    9   70    2
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        39   -3   19   -4   29   -3   0.10  -0.62   14   69   -9
EAST(CD4)             46    2   22    0   34    1   0.08  -0.73   10   69   -4
STATE                 43    0   22   -2   33    0   0.09  -0.75   11   71   -9

Kentucky Climate Summary 
For the Period January 21 to January 27, 2019

Below Normal Temperatures and Above Normal Precipitation:

Extreme cold settled over the Bluegrass State, leading to the first week of 2019 with 
below normal temperatures. The period started with temperatures in the single digits 
to middle teens Monday morning and wind chills dropping to either side of zero. The 
thermometer did go on the increase Tuesday and Wednesday, but quickly went back in 
the opposite direction with the passage of a couple cold fronts. Lows dipped into the 
low to middle teens that Thursday night, followed by highs on Friday only in the 20s. 
Rain showers accompanied the first frontal boundary on Tuesday night and Wednesday 
and combined with some other bouts of light snow accumulations, total precipitation 
averaged a little over an inch for the Bluegrass State.

Temperatures for the period averaged 30 degrees across the state which was 5 degrees 
cooler than normal and 4 degrees cooler. 

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.03 inches statewide which was 0.22 
inches above normal and 127% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.07 inches, Central 1.09 inches, Bluegrass 0.82 inches and East 1.10 inches, 
which was 0.18, 0.23, 0.11 and 0.31 inches above normal. 

             Temperature                      Precipitation
  cd     temp     norm      dev     prcp     norm      dev   percent
   1     30.7     35.3     -4.6     1.04     0.89     0.15      117
   2     30.6     34.6     -4.0     1.07     0.86     0.21      124
   3     27.6     32.9     -5.3     0.82     0.71     0.11      116
   4     29.4     34.0     -4.5     1.10     0.79     0.32      140
 State   29.6     34.2     -4.6     1.02     0.81     0.21      126

Kentucky Climate Summary 
For the Period January 14 to January 20, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Precipitation:

The Bluegrass State saw dry and cool conditions over the first half of the period, 
before a wet pattern took hold for the second. High temperatures on Monday only rose 
into the lower to middle 30s under mostly cloudy skies. That cool and dry held 
through Wednesday, before light rain showers overspread the region Wednesday night 
and into Thursday as a weak system pushed through the state. Most only saw a third 
of an inch or less. After a temporary break from the rain on Friday, a much more 
significant disturbance progressed across Kentucky for the first half of the weekend. 
Precipitation started as rain within a warm and moist air mass. Much of the 
Commonwealth saw a half to 2 inches of rainfall. Cold, arctic air rushing into the 
area behind the departing disturbance led to a transition over to snow. 1 to 3 
inches fell across Western/Central Kentucky and up into the Bluegrass. Less-so across 
Eastern Kentucky. The state finally saw some sunshine on Sunday, but highs only rose 
into the 20s. Wind chills in the single digits kept the livestock cold stress index 
in the Danger and Emergency categories.

Temperatures for the period averaged 35 degrees across the state which was 2 degrees 
warmer than normal and 4 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 41 in the West to 39 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 2 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 4 degrees 
cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 33 degrees in the 
West to 31 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 8 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 8 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 59 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and 
the extreme low was 9 degrees at BURLINGTON 4S.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 1.47 inches statewide which was 0.63 
inches above normal and 176% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.50 inches, Central 1.52 inches, Bluegrass 1.34 inches and East 1.52 inches, 
which was 0.62, 0.63, 0.62 and 0.66 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 0.41 inches at WHITLEY CITY 3N to a high of 2.51 
inches at ALBANY 1N. 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190114 to 20190120(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             41   -2   33    8   37    3   1.50   0.62  170   58   14
CENTRAL(CD2)          40   -2   33    9   36    3   1.52   0.63  171   59   13
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        36   -5   29    6   32    0   1.34   0.62  186   51    9
EAST(CD4)             39   -4   31    8   35    2   1.52   0.66  177   55   11
STATE                 39   -3   32    8   35    2   1.47   0.63  176   59    9

Kentucky Climate Summary 
For the Period January 7 to January 13, 2019

Above Normal Temperatures and Below Normal Precipitation:

The period started very warm with highs jumping into the 60s on Monday. This was 
followed by the passage of a couple cold fronts through the region later on Monday 
and again on Tuesday. Both brought gusty winds to the area, along with some light 
rainfall accumulations. Behind the boundaries, highs struggled in the 30s and 40s 
over the rest of the workweek, but with dry conditions in place. That changed yet 
again over the weekend as an area of low pressure worked through Kentucky. This 
system brought a variety of precipitation types with mainly snow Friday night and 
transitioning to a cold rain on Saturday. One to three inches of snow fell for much 
of the northern half of the state, while rain was the dominant type farther south. 
All together, the state averaged a liquid equivalent of 0.62 inches for the week, 
which was about a quarter inch below normal.

Temperatures for the period averaged 39 degrees across the state which was 6 degrees 
warmer than normal and 6 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 46 in the West to 46 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 3 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 2 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 35 degrees in the 
West to 33 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 9 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 9 degrees warmer than normal in the East. 
The extreme high temperature for the period was 69 degrees at BOONEVILLE 2S and the 
extreme low was 13 degrees at HINDMAN 5N.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 0.62 inches statewide which was 0.26 
inches below normal and 70% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 
0.62 inches, Central 0.60 inches, Bluegrass 0.67 inches and East 0.61 inches, which 
was 0.3, 0.34, 0.08 and 0.3 inches below normal. By station, precipitation totals 
ranged from a low of 0.22 inches at WILLIAMSBURG AWOS to a high of 0.98 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20190107 to 20190113(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             46    3   35    9   40    6   0.62  -0.30   67   67   18
CENTRAL(CD2)          47    5   33    8   40    6   0.60  -0.34   64   69   15
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        43    2   31    7   37    5   0.67  -0.08   89   66   17
EAST(CD4)             46    2   33    9   39    5   0.61  -0.30   67   69   13
STATE                 46    4   33    8   39    6   0.62  -0.26   70   69   13

Kentucky Climate Summary 
For the Period December 31 to January 6, 2019

Well Above Normal Temperatures and Precipitation:

The Bluegrass State cannot seem to get a break from continued rainfall. Kentucky saw 
another couple of rounds this period, one coming on New Year�s Eve and the other 
later in the workweek. Both brought widespread rounds of light to moderate showers 
to the area, leading to some nuisance flooding. All together, the state average 2.14 
inches for the first week of 2019, over an inch above normal for this time of year. 
Following the unsettled workweek, dry conditions returned for the weekend with high 
temperatures back in the 50s. This warmth pushed Kentucky to a fourth straight week 
of above normal temperatures.

Temperatures for the period averaged 45 degrees across the state which was 11 degrees 
warmer than normal and 2 degrees warmer than the previous period. High temperatures 
averaged from 49 in the West to 55 in the East. Departure from normal high 
temperatures ranged from 6 degrees warmer than normal in the West to 11 degrees 
warmer than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 38 degrees in the 
West to 40 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 12 
degrees warmer than normal in the West to 16 degrees warmer than normal in the 
East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 73 degrees at WHITESBURG 2NW  
and the extreme low was 27 degrees at CARBONDALE ASOS.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 2.14 inches statewide which was 1.25 
inches above normal and 240% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, 
West 1.95 inches, Central 2.35 inches, Bluegrass 2.11 inches and East 2.14 inches, 
which was 1.02, 1.39, 1.34 and 1.24 inches above normal. By station, precipitation 
totals ranged from a low of 1.29 inches at LOUISA 1S to a high of 3.61 inches at 

Summarized and averaged data for the period 20181231 to 20190106(Last 7 Days)
(Not for Legal purposes. Departure from Norms based on climate divisional Averages)

                            AIR TEMPERATURE          PRECIPITATION    ExtremeTemp
WEST(CD1)             49    6   38   12   44    9   1.95   1.02  210   68   27
CENTRAL(CD2)          52    9   39   14   45   11   2.35   1.39  245   70   29
BLUEGRASS(CD3)        49    8   38   14   44   11   2.11   1.34  274   68   28
EAST(CD4)             55   11   40   16   47   13   2.14   1.24  238   73   28
STATE                 51    8   39   14   45   11   2.14   1.25  240   73   27