The KY Allsites AM Daily Database

Kentucky AM Daily Database
(Total 168 Stations)

This database is made up of 168 stations across the state of Kentucky. The output contains the daily maximum and minimum temperatures, in addition to any rainfall that was observed. The daily data is constructed based on the observations found between 7 AM on the day of concern and 7 AM the following day. As an example, the daily data for October 8th would start at 7 AM on the morning of the 8th and end at 7 AM on the 9th.*


Data Output Preference?
Daily data
Summary for the Period
Monthly Climate Summary

Threshold Search for Kentucky AM Daily Database

With this form you can request a listing of daily climate reports from 168 stations across the state of Kentucky for 2007 through current year (2014), based on particular values for weather variables. Simply fill out the desired parameters then press the "Submit Choices" button.*

Search Criteria: Value For Search Criteria:
Note: Enter Precipitation values for search criteria as whole numbers, e.g. 1.50 as 150

* The weather data above is provided by the Kentucky Mesonet at Western Kentucky University and the National Weather Service.