Based on observations at 600am EDT, Sunday May 05, 2024

Across Kentucky...temperatures are near 62 degrees west, near 64 degrees central, and near 63 degrees east. Current sky conditions are mostly cloudy west, clear central, and clear east. In the west, relative humidity is near 90%, and the dew point is near 59 degrees. In the central part of the state, relative humidity is near 93%, and the dew point is near 62 degrees. In the east, relative humidity is near 93%, and the dew point is near 61 degrees. Current drying conditions are poor west, poor central, and poor east. The livestock heat stress category is no stress west, no stress central, and no stress east. Winds are calm west, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Winds are from the south at 6 mph central, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Winds are from the south at 5 mph east, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Based on current available observations, the highest temperature is 65 degrees at Louisville International, Hopkinsville, Frankfort, and Bowling Green. The lowest temperature is 57 degrees at London.