922 AM CST Sun Mar 2 2025 Castro-Swisher-Briscoe-Hall-Childress-Floyd-Motley-Cottle-Dickens- King- Including the cities of Dimmitt, Hart, Tulia, Happy, Silverton, Quitaque, Turkey, Memphis, Childress, Kirkland, Floydada, Lockney, Matador, Roaring Springs, Paducah, Cee Vee, Spur, Dickens, Dumont, and Guthrie 922 AM CST Sun Mar 2 2025 .NOW... At 920 AM, a narrow line of showers with occasional thunderstorms was found from near Dimmitt to Tulia, Floydada and Dickens. This line will keep moving northeast at 30 mph through 1030 AM. In addition to occasional cloud to ground lightning, brief downpours and small hail are likely with some of the heavier cores. Rainfall up to a tenth of an inch will be possible.