Highs across the state will range from 0 degrees to 0 degrees with temperatures
around 0 degrees West , around 0 degrees Central, and around 0 degrees East . Maximum
dewpoints will vary from 0 degrees to100 degrees with minimum dewpoints varying from 0
degrees to100 degrees. The temperatures and dewpoints will create minimum relative humidities
ranging from 0% to 0%. Precipitation will range in areal coverage from 0% to 0% with
West having 0% coverage, Central having 0% coverage, and East having 0% coverage.
Precipitation amounts will vary with West receiving SNOW inches, Central receiving
0.00-0.01 inches, and East receiving 0.00-0.01 inches. Average wind speeds will range from
0 mph to 0 mph with maximum wind speeds of 0 mph. Sky conditions at 2:00 p.m. will be
West , Central, and East . There will be 0 hours
of generally favorable spraying conditions West , 12 hours Central, and 12 hours East .
Freezing temperatures (at or below 32 degrees) will range from 20 hours in the West ,
0 hours Central, and 0 hours East . Possible snowfall amounts will vary with West receiving
COVERAGE) inches, Central receiving 0 inches, and East receiving 0 inches.
Lows across the state will range from 0 degrees to 0 degrees with temperatures
around 0 degrees West , around 0 degrees Central, and around 0 degrees East . Maximum
dewpoints will vary from 0 degrees to100 degrees with minimum dewpoints varying from 0
degrees to100 degrees. The temperatures and dewpoints will create maximum relative humidities
ranging from 0% to 0%. Precipitation will range in areal coverage from 0% to 0% with
West having 0% coverage, Central having 0% coverage, and East having 0% coverage.
Precipitation amounts will vary with West receiving inches, Central receiving
0.00-0.01 inches, and East receiving 0.00-0.01 inches. Average wind speeds will range from
0 mph to 0 mph with maximum wind speeds of 0 mph. Sky conditions at 2:00 a.m. will be
West , Central, and East . There will be 0 hours
of generally favorable spraying conditions West , 12 hours Central, and 12 hours East .
Freezing temperatures (at or below 32 degrees) will range from 0 hours in the West ,
0 hours Central, and 0 hours East . Possible snowfall amounts will vary with West receiving
inches, Central receiving inches, and East receiving inches.
Highs across the state will range from 0 degrees to 0 degrees with temperatures
around 0 degrees West , around 0 degrees Central, and around 0 degrees East . Maximum
dewpoints will vary from 0 degrees to100 degrees with minimum dewpoints varying from 0
degrees to100 degrees. The temperatures and dewpoints will create minimum relative humidities
ranging from 0% to 0%. Precipitation will range in areal coverage from 0% to 0% with
West having 0% coverage, Central having 0% coverage, and East having 0% coverage.
Precipitation amounts will vary with West receiving inches, Central receiving
0.00-0.01 inches, and East receiving 0.00-0.01 inches. Average wind speeds will range from
0 mph to 0 mph with maximum wind speeds of 0 mph. Sky conditions at 2:00 p.m. will be
West , Central, and East . There will be 0 hours
of generally favorable spraying conditions West , 12 hours Central, and 12 hours East .
Freezing temperatures (at or below 32 degrees) will range from 0 hours in the West ,
0 hours Central, and 0 hours East . Possible snowfall amounts will vary with West receiving
inches, Central receiving inches, and East receiving inches.
* NOTE: See specific site NGM Ag Wx Data and Summary files for further information.