On This Day In Weather History...
A spectacular chinook wind at Granville ND caused the temperature to spurt
from a morning low of 33 degrees below zero to an afternoon high of 50
degrees above zero. (David Ludlum)
Frequent duststorms occurred in eastern Colorado during the month, forcing
schools to close and people to stay indoors. A fatality occurred on this
date when two section cars collided on the railroad near Arriba CO, due to
poor visibility. (The Weather Channel)
The temperature at Langdon ND climbed above zero for the first time in six
weeks. Readings never got above freezing during all three winter months.
(David Ludlum)
An outbreak of tornadoes hit northeastern Louisiana and northern and
central Mississippi. The tornadoes claimed 121 lives, including 110 in
Mississippi. Three tornadoes accounted for 118 of the deaths. There are
1600 persons injured, 900 homes were destroyed or badly damaged, and total
damage was 19 million dollars. (David Ludlum)
Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky