Kentucky & Regional Weather Data for Week ending Sep 14,2024 - Fall Format

  County   |     Weather      |                 |              |                 |
           |     Station      |     Rainfall    |  Dev. From   | Air Temperature |
           |                  |=================|==============|=================|
           |                  |      Since  Last| Norm   Norm  |             Dev.|
           |                  |Last  April  Four| Since  Last  |       Wkly. From|
           |                  |Week    1    Wks.| Apr 1  4 Wks.|Hi  Lo  Avg. Norm|
                                   (Inches)       (Degrees F)                   
Western KY
Caldwell      Princeton(M)       0.66 21.35 0.70  -2.51  -2.19  91  43   69   -3
Christian     Hopkinsville(M)    0.64 24.81 1.12  -0.36  -2.30  88  46   69   -3
Daviess       Owensboro(AP)      0.50 20.12 1.14  -2.16  -1.73  91  43   71   +0
Fulton        Hickman(M)         2.43 26.65 2.70  +3.14  -0.16  89  44   68   -4
Marshall      Benton(M)          1.08 26.96 1.08  +0.28  -2.05  90  45   69   -3
McCracken     Paducah(AP)        1.64 25.56 1.99  +2.05  -0.87  93  44   70   -2
McLean        Calhoun(M)         0.39 28.85 0.76  +4.43  -1.89  88  40   67   -6
Todd          Elkton(M)          1.65 30.27 1.74  +5.10  -1.68  91  41   68   -4
Union         Morganfield(M)     0.58 23.56 0.63  +1.28  -2.24  94  40   69   -2
Central KY
Barren        Glasgow(M)         0.30 29.69 1.54  +4.20  -1.58  88  45   68   -3
Breckinridge  Hardinsburg(M)     0.36 27.25 1.90  +2.19  -1.11  87  43   67   -4
Clinton       Albany(M)          0.06 25.96 1.03  -0.98  -2.95  87  44   68   +0
Hardin        Elizabethtown(M)   0.28 21.44 1.09  -3.62  -1.92  87  43   67   -4
Hart          Munfordville(M)    0.22 26.06 2.21  +0.44  -1.52  86  44   67   -6
Jefferson     Louisville(AP)     1.36 21.19 1.45  -2.42  -1.69  92  50   73   +0
Taylor        Campbellsville(M)  0.31 24.69 1.17  -0.44  -2.29  89  42   67   -3
Warren        Bowling_Green(AP)  0.30 25.58 0.97  +1.30  -2.65  91  47   71   -1
Boone         Cinci./NKY(AP)     0.00 17.03 0.34  -5.63  -2.57  90  44   70   +0
Boyle         Danville(M)        1.44 22.00 2.00  -3.45  -1.40  87  42   66   -3
Fayette       Lexington(AP)      0.58 21.43 1.79  -3.79  -1.29  90  45   69   -1
Fayette       Spindletop(M)      0.57 22.07 3.13  -3.15  +0.05  86  48   67   -3
Franklin      Frankfort(M)       0.63 20.38 1.36  -2.95  -1.46  89  42   66   -4
Madison       Richmond(M)        0.80 21.71 2.42  -3.74  -0.98  86  41   64   -5
Mason         Maysville(M)       0.00 19.73 3.66  -4.35  +0.67  85  42   65   -4
Eastern KY
Breathitt     Jackson(AP)        0.01 19.51 0.72  -6.38  -2.55  87  47   68   -2
Harlan        Harlan(M)          0.25 20.37 1.27  -5.26  -1.88  76  41   61   -9
Lawrence      Louisa(M)          0.00 15.85 0.82  -7.59  -2.27  93  41   67   -2
Pike          Pikeville(M)       0.01 19.86 1.36  -3.58  -1.73  80  45   65   -4
Pulaski       Somerset(M)        0.59 29.73 3.18  +4.28  -0.22  83  40   64   -5
Rowan         Morehead(M)        0.04 26.26 2.31  -0.03  -1.10  87  41   64   -4
Climate narrative and data table provided by the University of Kentucky Agricultural Weather Center: (859) 218-4363.
^ : Data Courtesy: (M) - Kentucky Mesonet Station:
                  (AP) - Airport, Federal Aviation Administration Surface Weather Observation Station (ASOS/AWOS)
* : Deviations based on closest available station with climate normals: