Spring 2014

Course Title: Biometeorology

Instructor: Tom Priddy, Extension Agricultural Meteorologist &
Director University of Kentucky Agricultural Weather Center

Office: Room 243 C. E. Barnhart Building

Phone: Office 257-3000, extension 245

Cell 859-327-9119

Office Hours 10am-4pm (By appointment if you desire)

Text: Weather Studies 5th ed.

by Moran

Grading System:

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

Below 60 E

Homework Assignments =20%

Exams & Quizzes =20%

Weather Briefs =10%

Laboratories =20%

Semester Project =10%

Final exam =20%

Homework is due at the beginning of class on Monday following date assigned. Lab. reports are due 1 week after assigned.

Late homework will be accepted. However, the grade will be reduced 10 points for every day late.

Work missed due to excused absences may be made up with no penalties. Make prior arrangements with me if you know you are going to be absent.

According to University policy, students lose a letter grade for greater than two unexcused absences.