Mon May  3 14:42:48 1999
CSUS2 KCRW 031843 
The climate summary for HOUSTON for 3 May 1999.
Valid today as of 05:00 pm local time.

Climate normal period: 9999 - 9999
Climate record period: 9999 - 9999

Weather item    Actual  Record    Year Normal Departure Last         
                Value   Value          Value  From      Year         
Precip Totals                                                        
  For Day          1.02  MM         MM   0.12   0.90      MM         
  Month to Date    1.02  MM         MM   0.23   0.79      MM         
  Since 1  Mar     2.26  MM         MM   0.23   2.03      MM         
  Since 1  Jan     2.26  MM         MM   1.23   1.03      MM         
  For Day         11                     7      4                    
  For Month       11                    29    -18                    
  Since 1  Jan    11                    39    -28                            
*  Indicates record was set or tied.                                
MM Indicates data is missing.                                       
T  Indicates Trace of precipitation.                                






Sunrise:   6:34 am                Sunset:  8:01 pm